Page 350 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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334 Index
dental skills (cont’d) non‐sporting group 97, 98
daily dental care 295 sporting group 97–99, 99
dental prophylaxis 289 terrier group 99–100, 100
directional terms 284–285, 284 toy group 101, 101
discharge 39, 295 working group 100–101, 100
formulas 83, 285 dorsal recumbency 138, 138
head types 285 double leash technique 131, 131
instruments, equipment, and maintenance 285–286, 286–287 DR see digital radiography
intraoral radiography 293–294, 293 drug calculation 18–19
patient care and clean‐up 294 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 23, 244, 246–247
patient positioning for dental radiography 293–294 dry matter basis 115, 115
depression 170–171 DUDE normal 174
dermis 88 DVM see Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
diabetes mellitus 88 dysplasia 78
diagnostic imaging and endoscopy 297–315
advanced imaging technologies 298–299 ear cleaning and medicating 194–196, 194–196
cassette routine maintenance 307 ear examination 134–135
cassette selection 304 ear protection 30, 30
cleaning for disease control 68–69, 68 ecological niche 112
cold (liquid) sterilization 314–315 ectoparasites
concepts and definitions 297, 310 anatomy and physiology 89
darkroom maintenance 307–308 hospitalized patients 174, 180–181, 180–181
developing radiographic film 306, 306 sampling/identification of 223–225, 223–225
digital radiography 298 electrolyte determinations 234–235
end of procedure cleaning 315 elevators 286, 286
endoscopy 310–315 elimination 168–169, 171–172, 182–183, 183
film labeling 304, 305 Elizabethan collars 141–142, 142
gas sterilization 314 embryo 85
intraoral radiography 293–294, 293 emergency stations/support 214–215, 215, 279
measuring the anatomy with calipers 302–303 encephalomyelitis 19
parts of an endoscope/associated equipment 310–311, 311–313 endocrine system 88
patient film filing 307 endoparasites
post‐endoscopic procedure 312–314 hospitalized patients 174
preparation for endoscopy 311–312, 313 sampling/identification of 225–228, 226–228
processor maintenance 308–309 endoscopy 310–315
quality assurance 299 cold (liquid) sterilization 314–315
radiation safety 299–301, 299–301 concepts and definitions 310
radiography abbreviations 301–302 end of procedure cleaning 315
radiography log 302 gas sterilization 314
radiography procedure 302 parts of an endoscope/associated equipment 310–311, 311–313
setting exposure factors using technique charts 303 positioning 313
taking a radiograph 304–305 post procedure 312–314
ultrasonography 298, 309, 309 preparation 311–312, 313
diarrhea 172 endotracheal tubes
diet see feeds and feeding cleaning and maintaining the surgery suite 254–255,
digestive system 82–84, 83, 83 254–255
digital radiography (DR) 293, 293, 298 surgery skills and maintaining an aseptic environment 271, 273,
dilated cardiomyopathy 81 279
dilutions 16–18, 17, 17 enemas 172–173, 173
dipping 182 enervation 88
directional terms 74 environmental adaptations 169–171, 171
discharging patients Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 22
dental skills 295 epidermis 88
hospitalized patients 184 epithelial cells 75, 75, 88
veterinary business protocols 39–40 equipment maintenance
disinfection 53, 54–55, 252–257 autoclaves 67, 67
distemper 88 automatic dosing syringes 71, 71
distraction techniques 130, 130, 148 blood analyzers and blood chemistry machines 69, 69
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 2 centrifuges 69, 70, 221–222
dog breeds 96–101 cold sterilization 269–270
herding group 96, 97 crash cart 68, 68
hound group 96–97, 98 dental skills 285–287, 286–287