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Index   333

             cleaning for disease control  51–71                cloth wraps  258, 263
               agents  53                                       clove hitch  164–165, 164
               antiseptics  53, 55                              cloven foot  77, 77
               ancillary instrument packaging  267–268, 268     cold (liquid) sterilization  269–270, 314–315
               assembling surgical packs  257–269               combing and brushing  179
               autoclave operation and indicator strips  268–269, 269  commitment  7
               autoclaves  67, 67                               communication skills
               automatic dosing syringes  71, 71                  client interactions at the facility  38–40, 38
               basic cleanliness and orderliness  51–54           day’s end protocols  45
               blood analyzers and blood chemistry machines  69, 69  front office skills  34, 36–37
               centrifuges  69, 70                                professional conduct and foundation skills  10–11
               cleaning  54                                       surgical room  279
               cold sterilization  269–270, 314–315             complete blood count (CBC)  230–234
               contact time  53                                 computed radiography (CR)  298
               crash cart  68, 68                               computed tomography (CT)  298
               disinfecting  54–55                              computer skills  11–12, 40
               equipment maintenance  62–71                     cone muzzles  140–141, 141
               facility maintenance  60–62                      confidentiality  11–12
               folding a cloth drape  265–267, 267–268          conjunctivitis  19
               folding and wrapping a gown for autoclaving  264–265, 264–265  connective tissue  75, 89
               gas anesthesia machine  255–256, 255–257         conscious proprioception  88
               hair clippers  62–65, 62–66                      consent forms  25, 43
               halters, ropes, leashes, and harnesses  70, 71   constipation  172–173, 173
               hazardous and non‐hazardous waste  55–57, 56     constructive criticism  7–8
               hospital laundry  61–62                          contact time  53
               instrument packs  258–264, 259–262, 262–264      contagious patients  173
               microscopes  69, 70                                see also quarantine
               mobile veterinary units  70–71                   controlled drugs  244–245
               order of cleaning  57–60                         cooperation  4–5
               otoscope  66, 66                                 Coplin jars  219, 239
               radiograph processors  68–69, 68                 cranium  76
               surgical instruments  256–257, 257–262           CR see computed radiography
               surgical room skills  252–270                    crash cart
               surgical table/tray  252–253, 252–253              cleaning for disease control  68, 68
               techniques when caring for hospitalized animals  57–60, 58, 59  clinical techniques  214–215, 215
               toenail clippers  65–66, 66                      credible web sources  12
               vacuums  66–67                                   cross‐training  3
             cleaning staff  3                                  CRT see capillary refill time
             cleats  162–163                                    CT see computed tomography
             client communication  10, 279                      cuff inflation  271, 273
             client education  294–295                          curettes  285, 286
             clinical techniques  189–215                       customer satisfaction  8
               administration of medications  193–200           CVM see Center for Veterinary Medicine
               clipping birds’ wings  191–192, 192              cyanotic  81
               ear cleaning and medicating  194–196, 194–196    cystocentesis  236
               emergency support  213–215, 215
               expressing anal glands  192–193, 193             daily dental care  295
               gastric tube  199                                daily inventory control  47–48
               injections  205–208, 205–208                     darkroom maintenance  307–308
               IV fluid administration  208–210                 day’s end protocols  45–46
               ophthalmic medications  200, 200–201             DEA see Drug Enforcement Administration
               oral medications  197–200, 197–199               debriding  210
               preparing vaccines  204–205, 205                 decubitus ulcers  181–182
               solution bottle preparation  204, 204            defecation  82
               syringes and needles  201–208, 201–208           degenerative myopathy  78
               toenail trimming  190–191, 190–191               dental skills  283–295
               topical medications  196–197, 197                  age approximation based on dental eruption  285
               wound care and bandaging  210–213                  air‐driven dental units  288–289
             clipping birds’ wings  191–192, 192                  anatomy and physiology  283–284, 284
             clipping hair or fur  179–180, 180, 197              assistant’s role in veterinary dentistry  283
             cloth drapes  265–267, 267–268                       charting the oral examination  289–292, 290–291
             cloth gown  264–265                                  client education  294–295
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