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Index   337

             integumentary system  88–89, 88                      necropsy  240–242
             intracardial  19                                     packed cell volume  232–234, 233–234
             intramuscular injections  207–208, 207               parasitology  223–229, 223–228
             intranasal infusion  208, 208                        plasma protein  234
             intraoral radiography  293–294, 293                  preparing samples for shipment to reference laboratory  241–242
               manual developing of dental radiographs  294       preparing the blood smear  231–232, 231–232
               patient positioning  293–294                       restraint of animals  229, 235–236, 236
             intravenous fluids  208                              sample collection/handling  222–223, 230–234, 238–240
             inventory control  46–49, 46, 47                     sampling/identification of ectoparasites  223–225, 223–225
               daily inventory control  47–48                     sampling/identification of endoparasites  225–228, 226–228
               handling shipments and invoices  48                serologic test kits  235
               ordering supplies  48                              staining protocol  219, 237–239
               receiving shipments  48                            urine collection and urinalysis  235–238, 236–237
               restocking shelves  48–49                          vaginal cytology collection  242, 242
             invoices  48                                       laryngoscopes  254, 254
             irritable bowel disease (IBD)  84                  lateral recumbency  136–138, 137–138
             isopropyl alcohol  55                              laundry  61–62
             ivermectin  246                                    lavage  210
                                                                laws, regulations, policies, and standards  21–31
             jugular venipuncture  135, 135                       agencies and their responsibilities  22
                                                                  common or case law  24–25, 25
             kennels/cages/runs                                   federal laws  21–23
               cleaning for disease control  57–60, 58, 59        guidelines of practice from veterinary organizations  26
               hospitalized patients  168                         labeling  27, 27, 28
               restraint of animals  132–133, 133, 134            laws and regulations for veterinary practices  21–26, 22
             kidneys  84                                          lawsuits  24, 43, 171
             knots and ropes  153–165                             local ordnances  25–26
               bowline  160–161, 161                              personal protective equipment  26, 27–31, 29–30
               bowline on a bight  161–162, 161–162               policy violations  7–8
               clove hitch  164–165, 164                          practice act rules and regulations  23–24
               half hitch  163–164, 163–164                       state laws  23–24
               hanking  156, 156–157                              workplace safety  26–31
               knot tying terminology  153–154, 154             lead apron  299, 299
               overhand knot  154, 154, 162–163, 162–163        lead gloves  300, 300
               preventing fraying  154–155, 155–156             lice  180–181, 180, 224, 224
               reefer’s knot  159–160, 159–160                  licensing  2, 25
               sheet bend knot  160, 160                        lifetime learning  8
               square knot  158–159, 158–159                    ligaments  76
               types of hitches  157, 163–165                   light–dark cycles  169
               types of knots  157–163                          list of ingredients  114
               types of ropes  154, 155                         liver  83–84, 83
               whipping  155, 155–156                           livestock and poultry
                                                                  feeds and feeding  119–120
             labels                                               oral medications  199–200
               diagnostic imaging and endoscopy  304, 305         restraint of animals  144–151, 144–150, 145, 146, 149, 149,
               feeds and feeding  113, 116, 117                     150, 150
               pharmacy skills  245–247                         log books  47, 219–220
               workplace safety  27, 27, 28                     loyalty  7
             laboratory skills  217–242                         luxators  286, 286
               antibiotic sensitivity testing  240              lymphadenopathy  82
               blood chemistry and electrolyte determinations  234–235  lymph nodes  82
               blood collection and handling  229–240           lymphoma  82
               centrifuge technique  226–227
               complete blood count  230–231                    magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  298
               concepts and definitions  217                    malpractice  24–25, 43, 134, 246
               equipment set‐up  229–230, 229                   mandible  77
               fecal float technique  226                       masks  29, 29, 273–274, 275
               inoculation of media  239–240, 240               Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)  26, 54, 56
               log books  219–220                               maternal behavior  128, 146, 146
               maintenance of common laboratory equipment  220–222, 220, 222  math competence  14–20
               maintenance of stain sets  218–219               maxilla  77
               microbiology  238–240, 240                       mechanical hazards  56, 56
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