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Index 341
socialization 170 surgical instruments 256–257, 257–258
social media 12 surgical table/tray 252–253, 252–253
sodium hypochlorite 54 surgical tables 252–253, 252
solution bottle preparation 204, 204 surgical trays 253, 253
SOP see standard operating procedures suture needles 262
species specific 52 suture packs 276–277, 277
sphincters 82 suture removal 279, 280
spore‐forming organisms 53 sympathetic nervous system 87–88
sporting group 97–99, 99 sympathy cards 45
square knot 158–159, 158–159 synapses 87, 88
staining protocols 219, 237–239 syringes and needles
stain sets 218–219 clinical techniques 198–199, 201–208
stanchion head gates 149, 149 injections 205–208, 205–208
standard operating procedures (SOP) 6 multiple dose 202
standards see laws, regulations, policies, and standards oral medications 198–199, 198
sterile saline 197, 210 preparing for use 203–204
sterilization preparing vaccines 204–205, 205
cleaning for disease control 55 solution bottle preparation 204, 204
cold sterilization 269–270, 314–315 types 201–203, 201–203
gas sterilization 314
indicators 258 tapeworms 227, 228
see also autoclaves telephone skills 34, 36–37, 45
sternal recumbency 138–139, 138 temperature taking 177, 177
stethoscopes 176, 176 tendonitis 78
stocks 148, 148 tendons 78
stomach 82–83, 83 terrier group 99–100, 100
stress 112 territorial instincts 127–128, 146
subcutaneous fluid administration 206–207, 207, 208–210, 208–209 testes 85, 85
subcutaneous injections 206, 206 thank you cards 45
subcutaneous tissue 89 thoracic–lumbar junction (TLJ) 78
submandibular lymph node 82 thumb forceps 261
submissive behavior 125–126, 125 thyroid collar 299, 299
sunshine therapy 185 thyroid gland 88
supplements 120 ticks 180–181, 224, 224
macrominerals 120 tissue adhesive 277, 277
microminerals 120 TLJ see thoracic–lumbar junction
vitamins 120 toenail clippers/trimming 65–66, 66, 190–191, 190–191
surgical room skills 251–281 tonometers 200, 201
ancillary instrument packaging 267–268, 268 tooth splitters 286, 287
assembling surgical packs 257–269 topical medications 196–197, 197
autoclave operation and indicator strips 268–269, 269 towel clamps 259
cleaning and maintaining the surgery suite 252–270 towel warmers 278, 278
client communication 279 towel wraps 135–136, 136–137
cold sterilization 269–270 toy group 101, 101
fields and zones 275 trace minerals 113
folding a cloth drape 265–267, 267–268 tranquilizers 127
folding and wrapping a gown for autoclaving 264–265, 264–265 transferring medical records 42–43
gas anesthesia machine 255–256, 255–257, 277, 277 treatment plan protocols
hospitalized patients 171, 172 body conditioning score and weight 178–179, 178–179
instrument packs 258–264, 259–262, 262–264 capillary refill time 177–178
opening an auxiliary pack 276, 276 collecting vital signs 175–177, 175–177
opening a surgical pack 276, 276 hospitalized patients 175–179
peri‐surgical phase 274–277, 276–277 Triadan numbering system 289–290, 290
positioning 274
post‐surgical emergencies 279 ultrasonic cleaners 257, 258
post‐surgical phase 278–279 ultrasonic scalers 287–288, 288
prep room/recovery room 253–255, 254–255 ultrasonography 298, 309, 309
pre‐surgical phase 270–274, 270–275, 274 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 22–23, 44, 113
procedures and body position 274 United States Equal Employment Opportunity
removing sutures 279, 280 Commission (EEOC) 22
surgery skills and maintaining an aseptic environment 270–279 ureter 84