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340   Index

          radiography (cont’d)                                 contagious patients  129
           digital and computed radiography  293, 293, 298     dorsal recumbency  138, 138
           film labeling  304, 305                             equipment  139–143, 140–143
           intraoral radiography  293–294, 293                 examinations, medications, and procedures  134–139, 134–140
           log  301, 302                                       eye, ear, and oral examination  134–135, 135
           manual developing of dental radiographs  294        fear and pain  127
           measuring the anatomy with calipers  302–303        field of vision  124, 124, 144
           patient film filing  307                            fight/flight response  124, 124–126
           patient positioning  293–294                        general techniques for dogs and cats  133
           procedure  302                                      injections  207
           processor maintenance  68–69, 308–309               jugular venipuncture  135, 135
           quality assurance  299                              knots and ropes  153–165
           radiation safety  299–301, 299–301                  lateral recumbency  136–138, 137–138
           setting exposure factors using technique charts  303  livestock and horses  144–151, 144–150
           taking a radiograph  304–305                        maternal behavior  128, 146, 146
          rat breeds  104, 104                                 patient defenses  122–123, 122–123
          receipts  45                                         pocket animals  122, 127, 143
          receiving shipments  48                              restraining and lifting large dogs  139, 139–140
          reconstituting medications  248                      safe movement of patients between locations  131–133,
          record keeping                                        131–134
           chronological order or SOAP file format  42         sex drive  128, 146
           computerized versus paper patient records  40       sternal recumbency  138–139, 138
           diagnostic imaging and endoscopy  301, 302, 307     territorial instincts  127–128, 146
           forms, certificates, and logs  43–45, 44            towel wraps  135–136, 136–137
           hospitalized patients  174, 175                     urine collection and urinalysis  235–236, 236
           laboratory log books  219–220                       utilizing fear free techniques  129–131, 129–130
           medical record keeping procedures  40–45, 41, 44  ringworm  89, 181, 181
           paper filing systems  41–42, 41                   ropes see knots and ropes
           professional conduct and foundation skills  11–12  roughage  119–120
           transferring medical records  42–43               roundworms  227, 227
          recovery room  253–255, 254–255                    ruminant stomach  82–83, 83, 112
          recumbent patient care  171–172
          reefer’s knot  159–160, 159–160                    safety glasses  29, 29
          reference laboratories  241–242                    sample collection/handling  222–223, 230–234, 238–240
          reference ranges  219                              sarcoptic mange/scabies  180, 181
          refractometers  222, 222                           scalers  285–286, 286
          regulations see laws, regulations, policies, and standards  scalpels  261, 276–277, 277
          relaxed behavior  126, 127                         scheduling appointments  35–37, 35
          reminder cards  45                                 scissors  209–210, 209, 260–261, 280
          removing sutures  279, 280                         scrubs  274, 275
          renal failure                                      secondary absorbent/cushion material  211, 212
           acute  84                                         secondary infections  52
           chronic  84                                       secondary prescription packaging  248
          reporting  7–8                                     sedation  127
          reproductive system                                seizures  88
           anatomy and physiology  85–86, 85, 86             self‐adhesive bandaging products  211, 212
           sex determination  107–109, 109–110               serologic test kits  235
          respiration                                        sex determination  107–109, 109–110
           anatomy and physiology  81, 81                    sex drive  128, 146
           surgical room skills  271, 273                    sharpening hand instruments  287
          respirators  30, 31, 280                           sharps disposal  56, 56, 202
          responsiveness  174, 271                           shaving hair or fur  172, 181, 272–274
          restocking shelves  48–49                          sheep see livestock and poultry
          restraint of animals  121–151                      sheet bend knot  160, 160
           abdominal palpation  135, 135                     silage  120
           behavior assessment and safe approach  123–129, 145–146  skeletal muscles  78
           birds  123, 123, 143–144                          skeletal system  75–78, 76–77
           blood collection and handling  229                skull  77, 77
           body language  124–127, 125–129, 145–146, 145     slip leashes  131–132, 131, 163
           companion animals  122–143                        smooth muscles  78
           concepts and definitions  122                     SOAP file format  42, 174–175
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