Page 355 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Index 339
periodontal explorer/probe 285 rats 104, 104
peripheral nervous system 88 restraint of animals 122, 127, 143
peristaltic waves 82 policies see laws, regulations, policies, and standards
personal grooming 8–9, 9 polishing handpieces 289
personal protective equipment (PPE) polymyositis 78
cleaning for disease control 53, 61–62 popliteal lymph nodes 82
clinical techniques 194 positioning aids 300, 301
dental skills 289, 293 positron emission tomography (PET) 298
diagnostic imaging and endoscopy 299–300, 299–300 post mortem protocols 186
ear protection 30, 30 poultices 197
footwear 30, 30 povidone‐iodine 55, 274
gloves 27–29, 29, 53 power scalers 287–288, 288
goggles/safety glasses 29, 29 PPE see personal protective equipment
hospitalized patients 173, 181, 181 practice act 23–24
laws, regulations, policies, and standards 26, 27–31, 29–30 prep room 253–255, 254–255
masks 29, 29 prehension 82
microbiology 238 prescription diets 117, 117
necropsy 241 presence 4
outer coverings 29, 30 problem solving 6–7
parasitology 228 product quality 8
respirators 30, 31 professional conduct and foundation skills 1–20
sample collection 223, 238 anticipation of workflow 12–13
surgical room skills 255, 273–274, 275 application of veterinary ethics 13
PET see positron emission tomography basic math skills 14–19
pet food labels 113, 116, 117 computer competency 11–12
pharmacy skills 243–250 determining credible web sources 12
classification of medications 249, 250 determining role within a practice 1–3
concepts and definitions 243 drug calculation 18–19
controlled drugs 243–244, 245 effective communication skills 10–11
explaining prescriptions to the owner 248–250 estimating 16
labeling a prescription container 246–247 grief process 14
prescription packaging 248 human–animal bond 13
reading a prescription 245–246 medical terminology 19–20, 20
safe handling of dispensed drugs 247–248, 248 meeting employer expectations 4–8
pharyngostomy tube 118 professional appearance 8–9, 9
phenols 55 use/misuse of social media 12
phenotypes 92, 94 volume measurements/dilutions 16–18, 17, 17
pheromone spray 129, 129, 170 weight conversion 14–16
phlebitis 209 prostate gland 85
physiology see anatomy and physiology protein 112–113
piezo scalers 288 protozoans 228, 228
pigs see livestock and poultry pulse 175–176, 175
pill counting trays 247–248, 248 punctuality 4
pill guns 198, 198 Punnett squares 94–95, 94–95
pill splitters 247–248, 248 pustules 89
pitting edema 209
pituitary gland 88 quadrant method of streaking 239, 240
plasma protein 234 quality assurance 299
play 170–171 quarantine 51, 173–174
plural effusion 81 quaternary ammonium compounds 54
pneumonia 81 Quiet, Alert and Responsive (QAR) 174
pocket pets 104–107
chinchillas 105–106, 108 rabbits
dental skills 292 breeds 106, 108
feeds and feeding 120 dental skills 292
ferrets 104, 104, 122, 127, 131–132, 143, 292 restraint of animals 143
gerbils 104–105, 106, 143 radiography
guinea pigs 105, 107, 143 abbreviations 301–302
hamsters 105, 106, 143 cassette routine maintenance 307
hospitalized patients 174 cassette selection 304
mice 104, 105 darkroom maintenance 307–308
rabbits 106, 108, 143, 292 developing radiographic film 306, 306