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338   Index

          medical records                                    non‐client calls  37
           hospitalized patients  174                        non‐hazardous waste  55–57
           veterinary business protocols  40–45, 41, 44      non‐sporting group  97, 98
          medical terminology  19–20, 20                     non‐verbal communication  10, 11
          medications  243–250                               Not Doing Right (NDR)  174
           classification of medications  249, 250           nutrition see feeds and feeding
           concepts and definitions  243                     nystagmus  88
           controlled drugs  243–244
           explaining prescriptions to the owner  248–250    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  22, 26–31
           labeling a prescription container  246–247        OD see osteochondritis dissecans
           prescription packaging  248                       odors  169
           reading a prescription  245–246                   office personnel  3
           safe handling of dispensed drugs  247–248, 248    Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)  22
          metabolism  112                                    ointments  248
          mice breeds  104, 105                              omnivore  122
          microbiology  238–240, 240                         ophthalmic medications  200, 200–201
           antibiotic sensitivity testing  240               ophthalmoscopes  194
           inoculation of media  239–240                     oral dosing needles  199, 199
           stain protocol  237–239                           oral examination  134–135, 135, 285, 287, 289–293
          microscopes  69, 70, 220–221, 220                  oral medications  197–200, 197–199
          micturition  84                                    ordering supplies  48
          minerals  113, 114                                 OSHA see Occupational Safety and Health Administration
          mirrors  285                                       osteoarthritis  78
          mites  225, 225                                    osteochondritis  78
          mobile veterinary units  70–71                     osteochondritis dissecans (OD)  78
          Model Veterinary Practice Act  2                   osteosarcoma  78
          molds  120                                         otoscopes  66, 66, 194
          monitoring charts  271, 272                        outer coverings  29, 30
          monogastric stomach  82–83, 83                     ovariectomy hook  262
          mosquitoes  225                                    ovaries  85
          MRI see magnetic resonance imaging                 ovulation  85
          MSDS see Material Safety Data Sheets               overhand knot  154, 154, 162, 163
          mucose membrane (MM)  177                          oxygen pressure gauge  270, 271
          multifunctional monitors  271–272, 273             oxygen tanks  270, 270
          multiple dose syringes  202, 202
          muscle tissue  75, 78                              packed cell volume (PCV)  219, 232–234, 233–234
          muscular system  78, 79                            pain  127, 183–184
          muzzles  71, 140–141, 141                          palatability  118
          myopathy  78                                       palpebral reflex  271
                                                             pancreas  83–84, 83, 88
          nasogastric tubes  118, 199                        pancreatitis  84
          National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA)  panosteitis  78
           clinical techniques  190                          paper filing systems  41–42, 41
           laws, regulations, policies, and standards  23, 26  paper patient record assembly  41
           professional conduct and foundation skills  2–3, 13  parasitology
          National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements   anatomy and physiology  84
             (NCRP)  299                                       laboratory skills  223–229, 223–228
          National Institutes of Health (NIH)  22              sampling/identification of ectoparasites  223–225, 223–225
          NAVTA see National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America  sampling/identification of endoparasites  225–228, 226–228
          NCRP see National Committee on Radiation Protection and   parasympathetic nervous system  87
             Measurements                                    parathyroid gland  88
          necropsy  240–242                                  parturition  86
          necrosis  84                                       parvovirus  84
          needle holders  260                                pathogens  52
          nephrons  84                                       pathologists  75
          nervous behavior  125–127, 125, 128                patient records  40–43
          nervous system  86–88, 86–87                       patient positioning  293–294, 311, 313
          nervous tissue  75, 86                             Patients’ Rights  192–193, 245
          neurons  87, 88                                    PCV see packed cell volume
          no‐bite neck brace  142, 142                       penis  85
          noise  169                                         Penrose drains  210–211, 210
          non‐adherent bandage material  211, 211            perches  170–171, 171
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