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342   Index

          urethra  85                                          paper filing systems  41–42, 41
          urinalysis  85                                       paper patient record assembly  41
          urinary system  84–85, 84                            receiving shipments  48
          urinary tract infections (UTI)  84–85, 236           restocking shelves  48–49
          urine collection and urinalysis                      scheduling appointments  35–37, 35
           hospitalized patients  182–183, 183                 telephone skills  34, 36–37, 45
           laboratory skills  235–238, 236–237                 transferring medical records  42–43
           restraint  236                                    Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC)  295
          urine scalds  171–172                              Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE)  2, 23
          uroliths  84–85, 84                                viruses  53
          USDA see United States Department of Agriculture   vital signs  175–176, 175–177
          UTI see urinary tract infections                   vitamins  113, 120
                                                             VMD see Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris
          vaccinations                                       vocalization  126–127
           anatomy and physiology  82                        VOHC see Veterinary Oral Health Council
           cleaning for disease control  53                  volume measurements  16–18, 17, 17
           clinical techniques  204–205, 205                 VTNE see Veterinary Technician National Exam
           laws, regulations, policies, and standards  25
           veterinary business protocols  43–44              warming devices  171, 172
          vacuums  66–67                                     waste disposal  55–57, 56
          vacuum tubes  229–230                              water availability and consumption see hydration
          vaginal cytology collection  242, 242              web sources  12
          vaginal speculum  242                              weighing patients  178–179, 178–179
          veins  80–81, 80                                   weight conversion  14–16
          verbal communication  10                           welcome cards  45
          vertebral column  77–78, 77                        wet floor warning signs  24, 25
          vestibular disease  88                             whipping  155, 155–156
          [State] Veterinary Medical Boards (VMB)  22        workflow  12–13
          Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris (VMD)  2           working group  100–101, 100
          veterinary business protocols  33–49               working independently  5–6
           admissions  39                                    workplace safety
           arrivals  38–39                                     diagnostic imaging and endoscopy  299–301, 299–301
           chronological order or SOAP file format  42         labeling  27, 27, 28
           client interactions at the facility  38–40, 38      laws, regulations, policies, and standards  24, 25, 26–31, 29–30
           computerized versus paper patient records  40       see also cleaning for disease control; personal protective equipment
           daily inventory control  47–48                    wound care and bandaging
           day’s end protocols  45–46                          applying a simple bandage  211–214, 211–214
           discharge  39–40                                    bandage failure  214
           forms, certificates, and logs  43–45, 44            clinical techniques  209–214
           front office skills  34–37                          preparation and drainage  210–211, 210
           handling non‐client calls  37                       removal of bandages  209–210, 209, 214
           handling shipments and invoices  48               written communication  11
           inventory control  46–49, 46, 47
           medical record keeping procedures  40–45, 41, 44  zoonotic disease  173–174, 181
           ordering supplies  48
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