Page 346 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 346

330   Glossary

          Veterinary Practice Act  State laws regulating veterinarians   Vitamin  Organic molecule that is an essential micronutrient
          and veterinary hospitals and clinics               needed for proper function of metabolism
          Veterinary–client–patient relationship (VCPR)  A legal and   Volvulus  Twisting of the intestines or stomach
          medical relationship between the veterinarian, animal, and   Vomitus  The material that has been vomited
          owner in which the veterinarian has physically examined the   Withholding time  Medication halted to allow for clearance
          animal before providing treatment, surgery, or prescriptions   of the drug from the body in animals that are used for meat
          and maintains the relationship through reexamination that   and milk, or these animals are withheld from the market for
          occurs at least once yearly
                                                             a specific period of time after being treated with certain
          Viricidal  Chemical agent that cause death to viruses  drugs
          Virustatic  Inhibiting the growth or spread of viruses  Zoonosis  Animal disease that is transmissible to humans
          Vital  signs  Clinical measurements,  specifically heart  and   Zygote  A diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid
          respiratory rates, blood pressure and temperature indicating   gametes; a fertilized ovum
          state of a patient’s body functions
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