Page 345 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Glossary   329

             Respirations per minute (rpm)  The number of breaths per   Tachycardia  Rapid heart rate
             minute                                             Tachypnea  Rapid breathing
             Reticulum  Second part of the ruminant stomach     Telemedicine  Using technology to practice medicine at a
             Ringworm  Highly contagious fungal organism        distance
             Rostral  Directional term for locations on the head toward   Tendon  Connective tissue that connects muscles to bones
             the nose                                           Tertiary  Of third rank, top or third layer of a bandage
             Rumen  First part of the ruminant stomach          Testes  Male reproductive organs
             Ruminant  Animal with a four‐compartment stomach   Thorascopic  Use of small equipment to access the interior of
             Saddle thrombus  Clot that blocks off circulation to the rear   the body
             of the animal, often manifests as paralysis in hind limbs  Throw  When the end is wrapped around another end or the
             Scabies  Infested with sarcoptic mange mites       standing part of the rope being used
             Sclera  The white part of the eye that surrounds the cornea  Thyroid  Gland that controls the metabolism
             Secondary  infection  Disease  process  that  occurs  after  the   Tissue maceration  Occurs when skin is exposed to moisture
             patient is debilitated from another infection or a weakened   for a long period of time, skin becomes lighter in color and
             immune state                                       wrinkly
             Seizure  Sudden convulsion caused by an abnormal electrical   Trace minerals  Includesodium, potassium, phosphorus,
             discharge in the brain                             magnesium,  sulfur,  calcium,  iron,  chromium,  copper,  zinc,
             Seroma  Swelling from fluid accumulating under the skin  iodine, manganese, and selenium
             Slough  Devitalized or dead tissue that is splitting away from   Trachea  “Windpipe” that transports air to and from the lungs
             the body                                           Tragi  Fleshy prominence at the front of the external opening
             Species specific  Relating to a parasite that can only continue   of the ear
             its life cycle on a specific species of animal     Transplacental  In reference to an organism or drug that can
             Sperm  Male sex cell                               pass through the placental barrier and into a fetus
             Sphincter  Ring of muscle that can be contracted to control   Tympanic membrane  A thick membrane that separates the
             flow from a body opening                           middle ear from the inner ear; it vibrates in response to sound
             Spore  One‐cell reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a   Ungual process  The modified toe bone of ungulates that
             new individual without sexual reproduction, typically fungi   ends in a hoof, claw, or nail
             and protozoa                                       Universal precautions  The measures to protect from trans-
             Sporicidal  Disinfectant that destroys spores      mission of infection from a patient or the patient’s body fluids
                                                                to the handler
             Sprain  Overstretching of a ligament
             Standing part  The long end of a rope, attached to animal or   Urinary  tract  infection  (UTI)  Bacterial  infection  of  the
             inanimate object or held still while the end is passed around it   urinary bladder
             to make a knot or hitch                            Urinalysis  Chemical analysis of urine
             Sterilization  Procedure to make an inanimate object free   Urination  Releasing urine
             from living microorganisms                         Urolith  Bladder stone
             Sternal  Body position where the patient is lying on the sternum  USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
             Sternum  Long  flat  bone located  in the  central  part  of the   (APHIS)  Regulates the handling of research animals
             chest, connects to the ribs                        Vaccination  Injection of microorganisms that have been ren-
             Strain  Overstretching, overuse, misuse of muscle  dered harmless but will still induce an immune response
             Subcutaneous (SQ or SubQ)  Beneath the skin        Vas deferens  The spermatic vessel
             Subgingival  Directional term for below gingiva    Venipuncture  The act of acquiring  a blood sample  from a
             Submandibular  Beneath the bottom jaw              patient
             Sulcus  Area between free gingiva and tooth        Venipuncturist  The person taking a blood sample from a patient
             Supragingival  Part of the tooth not surrounded by gingiva  Ventral  Directional term referring to the belly side of an animal
             Sympathetic nervous system  Responds in times of stress, cre-  Ventricle  One of the lower two chambers of the heart
             ating the fight or flight response                 Venule  Small vein
             Synapse  Space between neurons, where the nerve impulse   Vertical ear canal  The part of the internal ear canal that runs
             passes from one nerve to another                   parallel to the cheek
             Systemic vascular resistance  Resistance of blood flow through   Vertigo  Sudden internal or external spinning sensation, cir-
             the vascular system                                cling caused by infection of the inner ear
             Systolic pressure  The pressure on the walls of arteries as the   Vestibular disease  Sudden non‐progressive disturbance of
             blood is pumped through them from the heart        balance, common in older dogs
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