Page 343 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Glossary   327

             Irritable bowel disease (IBD)  Overly sensitive intestines to   Neoplasm  New growth, lump, tumor, or growth
             food or stress                                     Nephron  The filtering unit of the kidney
             Jejunum  Middle part of the small intestine        Nerve  The tissues that conduct messages by impulses
             Knot  The intertwining of parts of a rope or two ropes together  Neuron  Functional cell of the nervous system
             Labial  Relating to the lips                       Neurotransmitter  The chemical messenger that carries mes-
             Laparoscopic  Examination of the peritoneal cavity utilizing a   sages along the nervous system
             laparoscope                                        Nits  The eggs of lice, an ectoparasite
             Laryngeal paralysis (LP)  Folds in the larynx in the throat   Nocturnal  To be active during night‐time hours
             don’t move properly and block the airway
                                                                Nosocomial  Infections or diseases that are acquired during a
             Larynx  Upper part of the respiratory passage, contains the   hospital stay
             voice box
                                                                “Not doing right” (NDR)  Subjective analysis of a patient that
             Lateral  Away from the middle of the body or limb  is not acting “normally”
             Lavage  The flushing or washing out of a body cavity or wound  Nucleus  Part of the cell that controls the activity of the cell
             Ligament  Strong band of connective tissue that connects   Nystagmus  Rapid flicking motion of the eyes
             bones to other bones or keep organs in place
                                                                Occlusal  Chewing surface of teeth
             Lingual  Relating  to  or  resembling  the  tongue,  directional   Occlusion  The way teeth fit together
             term meaning toward the tongue on the mandible
                                                                Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  US
             Loop  A complete circle made to start a knot or hitch
                                                                government agency regulating safety in the workplace
             Lumen  The cavity inside a tube
                                                                Omasum  Third of the ruminant stomach compartments
             Lymphadenopathy  Swelling of the lymph node
                                                                Omnivore  Animal that eats both plants and meats
             Lymphocyte  White  blood  cell  that  provides  an  immune   Oocyst  A cyst containing a zygote formed by a parasitic
             Lymphoma  Cancer of the lymph system               Operculum  A structure that closes or covers an aperture, the
             Mandible  Lower jaw                                end in which parasitic larva break out of egg
             Material safety data sheets (MSDS)  Sources of information   Ophthalmic  Pertaining to or relating to the eye
             on the hazards of each material found within the hospital  Oral  Pertaining to relating to the mouth cavity
             Maxilla  Upper jaw                                 Orchiectomy  Surgical excision of the testicles
             Medial canthus  Inside corner of the eye where the eyelids   Organelle  Organs within a cell
             Medial  Toward the middle of the body or limb      Organs  Units of specific function within the body
             Meniscus  A crescent or crescent shape             Oropharynx  Part of the throat below the soft palate, above
                                                                the epiglottis, and continuous with the mouth
             Mesial  Directional term meaning toward the midline, on the   Orthopneic  Position in which an animal stands to breathe
             incisors                                           easier
             Mesocephalic  A head of “normal” proportions       Osteosarcoma  Bone cancer
             Metabolism  Chemical processes that occur within a living   Otitis  Inflammation of the middle ear
             organism in order to maintain life                 Ova  Eggs, female sex cell
             Microbe  Organism not seen with the naked eye, often associ-
             ated with bacteria                                 Ovary  Female  reproductive  organ  that  produces  eggs  and
                                                                the hormones estrogen and progesterone
             Micturition  Urination
                                                                Overhand knot  Quick and easy way to secure the end of a
             Monogastric  Digestive system with one stomach compartment  rope from fraying or to produce a loop to make a fixed bight
             Muscle  Tissues that contract to provide movement  Over‐the‐counter (OTC) drug  Non‐prescription drug that
             Myopathy  General term for muscle disease          anyone can purchase
             Nares  Opening of the nasal cavity                 Ovulation  The release of eggs
             Nasogastric tube  Soft rubber or plastic tube that is inserted   Palatability  Acceptable or agreeable taste
             through a nostril and into the stomach             Palatal  Directional term, meaning toward the tongue on the
             Nasopharynx  The part of the throat behind the nose  maxilla
             National Association of Veterinary Technicians of America   Palpebral reflex  The blink of the eyelid when touching the
             (NAVTA)  Professional organization  representing veterinary   medial or lateral canthus
             technicians                                        Pancreas  Dual‐role gland that produces digestive enzymes
             Necrosis  Localized death of tissue                and insulin
             Necrotic  Localized tissue death                   Pancreatitis  Inflammation of the pancreas
             Negligence  Failure to take care to prevent harm to others  Panosteitis  Inflammation of all the bones
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