Page 339 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Abducted Movement of a limb away from the midline of the Anaphylaxis An unusual or exaggerated allergic reaction by
body an animal to foreign protein or other substances
Abomasum Fourth ruminant stomach compartment most Anogenital distance An area between the vulva and anus on
like the monogastric stomach animals
Abscess An accumulation of pus under the skin Anorexia Lack of appetite or desire for food
Acerbate Irritate, to make harsh or worse Antibodies Plural for antibody, which is a protein that acts to
Acute renal failure Sudden onset of kidney failure from toxic destroy antigens as an immune response
overload or poisoning Anticoagulant A substance that prevents the process of coag-
Addison’s See Hypoadrenocorticism ulation or clotting of blood
Adduction Movement of a limb toward the midline of the Antigen An invader that is foreign to a body and evokes an
body immune response
Adipose Body tissue used for the storage of fat Antiseptic Substance that reduces the spread or growth of
microorganisms on living tissue
Adrenal gland Located on top of the kidney, controls inflam-
mation, provides stress hormones Apical Directional term meaning toward apex or the root of
a tooth
Aerobic organism Requires oxygen to make energy and to
survive Apneic The suspension of breathing or absence of breath
Agonal breathing Related to the process of dying, patients Appendicular skeleton The bones of the limbs and their
seem as if they are gasping for breath but in reality it is a muscle means of attachment
spasm Arrhythmia An irregular heartbeat
“Ain’t doing right” (ADR) Description of a patient that isn’t Arteriole Small artery that terminates as capillaries
acting normally Arthritis The inflammation of joints caused by infections,
Alcohol (isopropyl or ethyl) Substance used to disinfect metabolic or developmental causes
objects or as an antiseptic on skin Aseptically Using methods to prevent or protect against the
Alimentary canal Entire digestive tract from mouth to anus introduction of pathogenic microorganisms
Alkalines (lye) Strong alkaline solutions capable of neutral- Aspiration The act of inhaling or of withdrawing of air or
izing acids. Commonly used for washing or cleansings fluid from body tissues and medication bottles
products Asthma Respiratory condition marked by a wheezing sound
Allele One of two genes found at the same place on a when the animal breathes, often caused by airway obstruction
chromosome Astringent An agent that causes the skin cells to contract
Alopecia Partial or complete loss of hair Ataxia Difficulty coordinating movement, staggering
Alveoli Plural form of the word alveolus, which is an air sac in Atria The two upper chambers of the heart
the lungs or a honeycomb pit in the wall of the stomach
Atrial fibrillation A rapid fluttering beat of the atria of the
American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Sets stan- heart
dards for veterinary hospitals
Aural In reference to the ear, as in aural medications
American Kennel Club (AKC) Organization that sets the stan-
dard for and registers purebred dogs in the USA Auscultate To listen to internal organs with a stethoscope
Autoclaving Common technique using high temperatures,
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) A national
organization representing the individual veterinarian pressure, and steam to sterilize surgical equipment and
Anaerobic organism An organism that does not require
oxygen for life or growth, oxygen can inhibit or cause death of Autoimmune Immune system is attacking the body or
the organism organism that is producing the antibodies
Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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