Page 344 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 344

328   Glossary

          Parasitic organism  A being that lives on or in a host and gets   Popliteal  Area of the caudal knee, in reference to finding the
          its food from the host at its expense              popliteal lymph node
          Parasitology  The study of parasitic organisms     Poultice  A soft moist mass of material, applied to the body to
          Parasympathetic nervous system  Part of the nervous system   relieve soreness and inflammation
          that does not require conscious control; smooth muscle con-  Predator  An animal that naturally preys on or eats other
          traction, secretions, breathing, and so on         animals
          Parathyroid  Glands responsible for calcium regulation  Prehension  Taking in food by seizing or grasping
          Paresis  Partial paralysis                         Prescription drug (Rx)  Medicines that can be dispensed by a
                                                             prescription written by a licensed veterinarian
          Parturition  The act or process of giving birth
                                                             Prey animal  An animal that is sought, caught, and eaten by
          Passerine  Relating to birds with feet adapted to perching,   predators
          included all song birds
                                                             Prion  Small infectious protein, self‐replicates
          Patent ductus arteriosus  Abnormal persistence of the left
          sixth aortic arch after birth, leaving an open lumen in the   Proliferative ileitis  Infection of hamsters, characterized by
          ductus arteriosus, between the descending aorta and the   sever diarrhea in weanlings
          pulmonary artery                                   Protist  Member of the kingdom Protista which includes
          Pathogen  Microorganism capable of causing disease  bacteria, algae, slime molds, fungi, and protozoa
                                                             Proximal  Directional term used for appendages, meaning
          Pendulous  Hanging skin or in the case of ears cartilage and skin
                                                             close to the point of attachment
          Penrose drain  A tube sutured into a wound cavity to permit
          body fluids to escape while the wound is healing   Pruritus  The urge to scratch
                                                             Psittacine  Relating to birds of the parrot family
          Periodontal disease  Gum infection that damages the gum
          tissue and jaw bone                                Pulmonary artery  Takes blood to the lungs from the heart
          Periodontium  The soft tissues and bone that support the teeth  Pulp chamber  The soft area within the center of a tooth that
                                                             contains the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue
          Periosteum  Outer covering of a bone
                                                             Pulse deficit  Difference in a minute’s time between the number
          Peripheral field of vision  The area of vision to either side of   of beats of the heart and the number of beats of the pulse
          the face
                                                             Punnett square  A square diagram used to predict the geno-
          Peripheral nervous system  Nerves of the body that corre-  type of a particular cross or breeding
          spond with the CNS
                                                             Purulent  Containing or flowing with pus
          Peristaltic wave  Involuntary movement of the longitudinal
          and circular muscles, in the digestive tract       Pustule  Elevated or raised spot filled with pus
                                                             Quarantine  Place or period of detention for animals coming
          Peritonitis  Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdom-  from infected areas; restrictions placed on entering or leaving
          inal wall and covering the abdominal organs
                                                             premises or regions where cases of communicable disease are
          Perivascular  Relating to or being the tissues that surround a   suspected
          blood vessel                                       Quaternary  Bonded to four other atoms, type disinfectant
          Personal protective equipment (PPE)  Gloves, gowns, masks,   Quiet, alert, and responsive (QAR)  Subjective analysis of a
          and other coverings to protect an individual from infection  patient’s mental state
          Pharyngostomy tube  Esophagostomy tube for feeding when   Radiograph  Indirect view of the interior of a patient, pro-
          the oral cavity must be bypassed following injury or surgery  duced by gamma rays
          Phenotype  Set of observable characteristics of an individual   Radiology  Branch of science dealing with use of X‐rays, radio-
          resulting from the interaction of its genotype     active substances, and other forms of radiant energy in diag-
          Phlebitis  Inflammation of a vein                  nosis and treatment of disease
          Pinna  The portion of the ear that is formed by cartilage  Recession  Loss of gingival tissue
          Pitting edema  A resulting pit or depression in tissues that is   Recessive gene  The second allele that is overshadowed by the
          fluid filled                                       first, or dominant gene
          Pituitary gland  Referred to as the “master gland” as it con-  Reciprocity  Privileges granted to those from another
          trols other glands                                 jurisdiction
          Placenta  Life support system for the fetus        Reconstitute  To restore a product to its liquid state by adding
                                                             water or other aqueous solution
          Pleural effusion  Condition of fluid in the tissues of the lungs
                                                             Recumbant  To lay in a prone position, i.e., laying on its side
          Pneumonia  Inflammation and consolidation of the lungs
          caused by infection                                Refractometer  Instrument used to determine specific gravity
                                                             and total protein
          Pneumothorax  Air present in the pleural or chest cavity
                                                             Residual activity  Compounds that are capable of inhibiting
          Polydactyl  More toes than normal                  microbial growth that remains active long after being ingested
          Polymyositis  Inflammation of many muscles         or injected
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