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Chapter 16  Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy    315

             designated storage cabinet. Hang vertically on a rack.
             hang the handpiece up and locked onto rack. This allows   Chapter Reflection
             for continued drying of the endoscope and parts or the
             cases in which they arrived from the manufacturer; how-  What did you think of this chapter? What all did
             ever, be advised that continued drying is inhibited when   you learn about radiography, ultrasound, and
             stored in this fashion which may lead to microbial    endoscopy?

             End of Procedure Cleaning                          References

             Collected tissue samples need to be labeled as to patient,   Douglas SW, Herrtage ME, Williamson HD. 1987. Principles of Veterinary
             source, and collection method. Complete laboratory    Radiography, 4th edn. Philadelphia: Bailliere Tindall.
             requisition forms. Arrange for pick‐up or delivery of   Lavin LM. 2006. Radiology in Veterinary Technology, 4nd edn. Philadelphia:
             samples.                                              Elsevier.
               Label photographs and video footage with patient’s   Morgan JR. 1993. Techniques in Veterinary Radiography, 5th edn. Ames,
             and client’s names, date and time, endoscopist, location   IA: Iowa State University Press.
             samples  were  collected,  and  procedure(s)  performed.
             File with the patient’s medical records.           Suggested Reading

                                                                Han C, Hurd C. 2004.  Practical Diagnostic Imaging for Veterinary
               Learning Exercise                                   Technicians. Philadelphia: Elsevier.
                                                                Olympus America.
               If your clinic has an endoscope ask your supervi-   cds/index.asp (accessed July 14, 2019).
               sor for a lesson in its set up, cleaning, and storage.  VetVu. How to clean an endoscope.
                                                                   cleaning.htm (accessed July 10, 2019).
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