Page 327 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 16  Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy    311

                                                       Air/water valve
                              Suction valve
                   Deflection control knob (up/down)      Deflection control knob (left/right)
                                                          Deflection lock (left/right)
                     Programmable buttons                                   Instrument channel cap
                                                                             Instrument channel

                                                                                                     Insertion tube
                         Deflection lock (up/down)
                 Video cable connection
                 Pressure                                          Distal tip
                 compensation valve

                   Light post
                                                                  Bending section

                     Air inlet
                   Connection for                      Irrigation bottle connection
                   suction pump

                   Tight cap for
                   video cable connection                                  Distal tip
                                                                                                 Objective lens

                                                                                             Light guide lenses (2)
                                                                          Irrigation nozzle  Insufflation nozzle
                                                                                          Instrument/suction channel
                                       Umbilical cord

             FIGURE 16.8  Labeled parts of an endoscope. Courtesy of Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy‐America, Inc., Goleta, CA.

             traffic near a sink with running water where cleaning   endoscopes have evolved into the highly sophisticated
             functions can be performed immediately after removal   instruments that exist today.
             of the endoscope from the patient. Ideally, all of this   Rigid endoscopes are used for such procedures as ear
             should be in a designated room for endoscopic proce-  canal and rectal examinations. These are adaptations of
             dures, as seen in Figure 16.10 showing the special proce-  human pediatric endoscopes, and they allow veterinar-
             dures room at the Colorado State University College of   ians to see into structures too small to have been visual-
             Veterinary Medicine.                               ized before. These contain fused silica bundles rather
               Unfortunately, many veterinary facilities were built   than being composed of bundles of very small glass rods
             before the advent of endoscopy and lack the additional   that are found in the true fiber optic systems. Semi‐rigid
             space dedicated to endoscopic procedures. Endoscopes   scopes are used for such procedures as examination of
             are usually stored in a special cabinet so they can hang in   the urethra, urinary bladder, and the nasal passages.
             a vertical position. If a cabinet is not available, endo-  The flexible endoscopes are larger than the semi‐rigid
             scopes are most safely stored in the original container in   endoscopes, but they have greater flexibility in the bend-
             which it arrived from the manufacturer. A possible   ing section, allowing the user to have a wider range of
             option is the surgery prep area where instruments are   tissue visualization. They are used in a wide range of
             cleaned immediately after surgery or a grated examina-  species and body sites including the gastrointestinal
             tion table in the treatment area with running water. The   tract.
             cart should have several electrical outlets for plugging in
             the various machines stored on the cart. The cart itself
             plugs into a wall outlet providing power for the various  Endoscopy Preparation
             outlets on the cart.
               Endoscopes are classified as rigid, semi‐rigid, or flex-  Endoscopy encompasses a variety of procedures, which
             ible. The earliest endoscopes were little more than a   are  named  after  where  in  the  body  the  instrument  is
             hollow, rigid tube with a light source. The tube was   used. Use is limited only by the length and diameter of
             inserted into a patient and the physician looked through   the instrument(s) available and the patient size and site
             the tube to view tissues. Since the advent of fiber optics,   of the body into which the instrument is inserted.
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