Page 323 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 323

Chapter 16  Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy    307

             Cassette Routine                                   the radiographs for a single patient are filed in one

             Maintenance                                        envelope. If the animal is radiographed again, place
                                                                the new films in front of the old films. The front of the
                                                                envelope is the side with the writing on it. Hold the
             Ideally, the exterior is disinfected between patients by   envelope so the writing faces you and place the new films
             spraying with a dilute disinfectant and drying off with   in front of the old. Write the information for these new
             paper towels. Monthly they can be wiped off thoroughly   films under the last entry. This will facilitate looking for
             using a mild soap and water and then dried thoroughly   specific radiographs.
             with towels.                                          A third system requires filing radiographs using a
               The intensifying screens on the interior of the cas-  combination of date and patient name or number. In
             sette also requires monthly maintenance. Screen    this circumstance, only the radiographs  taken  on a
             cleaning solutions are used by applying a small amount   specific date for a patient are filed together. The
             of solution to a 4 × 4 gauze sponge and wiping the sur-  advantage to this system is that location of a specific
             face of the screens, a second sponge is used to dry the   radiograph is more rapid. The disadvantage is that more
             screen.  Leave  the  cassette  open  to  air  dry  thoroughly,   envelopes are used, resulting in more cost and more
             overnight if possible. Clean cassettes at the end of the   space needed for filing. Likewise, the more items
             day so they are not out of commission during business   requiring filing increases the chance for misfiling and
             hours. Refill the cassette first thing the next morning. To   more personnel time.
             maintain a record of cleaning, place a small sticker on   The fourth system is filing by date. All films taken on
             the back of the cassette with the date cleaned. Replace   a date are filed together. This requires less filing and
             the sticker after each cleaning. A quick check of the   fewer envelopes but makes  locating  all the  films of a
             sticker each time the cassette is used will remind per-  particular patient for comparison purposes  difficult,
             sonnel it is time to care for the cassette.        because they might have been taken on different dates.
                                                                If many films are taken on a particular date, locating a
             Patient Film Filing                                specific film becomes time‐consuming.
                                                                   Use an out‐guide whenever a filed radiograph
                                                                envelope is removed. This is usually a large card placed
             Once a film has been read, the diagnosis, film quality,   in the spot where the radiographs were filed. This makes
             and comments are entered into the radiology log. The   it easier to return the file or alert personnel that it has
             assistant can do this from the entry in the patient’s   been removed.
             record, as the veterinarian will have entered the diag-  Accurate filing and quick retrieval are essential!
             nosis. At this point, the film is ready for filing and   Accurate filing makes radiographs readily available and
             storage. The film or films are placed in a large paper   increases their usefulness. “Lost” or misplaced files
             envelope specifically designed for radiograph storage.   require a lot of time to locate the films. Filing radio-
             On the exterior of the envelope write the patient’s   graphs is a daily task for the assistant. Remember these
             name,   owner’s name, veterinarian’s name, and the   radiographs are legal documents just like the medical
             dates the radiographs were taken. Some veterinarians   record and should be treated with the same care.
             also like to put the type of study and the diagnosis after
             each date.
               Radiographs must be filed in such a way that they are
             easily retrieved. Special storage systems are used to file   Learning Exercise
             films as they are too large to file with the patient’s paper
             medical record. The radiograph envelopes are placed in   Find out where and how the radiographs are
             open filing cabinets sized to hold the envelopes in an   stored in your school or clinic.
             upright position. There are several methods utilized to
             file radiographs and they usually follow the same method
             used to file the patient’s medical records. One method is
             to file them alphabetically under the patient/owner’s  Darkroom Maintenance
             name. The owner’s last name is used first, followed by
             the first name. This can get a bit confusing with common   The darkroom itself can become a source of poor film
             last names like Smith. Then a middle initial comes into   quality if it is not properly maintained. Potential dark-
             play. If misfiled, these radiographs are difficult and time‐  room sources for loss of quality include light leaks,
             consuming to find.                                 improper chemical balance, and artifacts due to chemi-
               If medical records are filed numerically, the radio-  cals or materials on and in cassettes or on hands.
             graph envelopes are numbered with the patient’s file   Preparation of a maintenance schedule and strict adher-
             number and filed in numeric order. In either system, all   ence to it will improve radiographic images.
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