Page 322 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 322

306    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          Developing Radiographic                            door to the darkroom closed, the overhead light turned

          Film                                               off, and the safety light turned on. To open a new box of
                                                             film, carefully remove the lid by pulling the tear strip
                                                             and then carefully tearing or cutting the inside wrapper
          Manual radiography film is radiation and light sensitive,   straight across at the very top. Cutting with a scissor is
          so it must be handled properly as it can be ruined before,   recommended as the paper doesn’t tear very well and
          during, or after the radiograph is taken. This requires   you are left with ragged edges. This makes it hard to get
          knowledge about the cassettes that house the film dur-  film out of the box and back inside if too many are
          ing the radiograph, film handling, and storage and how   removed. Also, the longer wrapper can be folded over
          to use and maintain the processor.                 and the lid replaced  for added protection  of the  film
            Cassettes are expensive pieces of equipment for both   inside the safe. If the box is already open, carefully try to
          traditional and digital radiography. Traditional film cas-  bring just one piece of film out at a time. Pull the
          settes hold the film flat against the intensifying screens   replacement film slowly out of the storage box to prevent
          and prevent exposure of daylight to the unexposed film.   static electricity from building up and set it into the cas-
          Cassettes are often dropped by personnel or kicked off   sette without sliding it across the surface. This is all done
          tables by the patient. This can cause the screens inside to   with just the safety light on, which is a rose‐colored light,
          loosen which in turn will cause film defects. Care must   so you may have to use your fingers to find the corners of
          be taken when carrying and using them.             the cassette. Set the end of the film into the top edge of
            To open a cassette, move to the darkroom and set the   the cassette and within the corners, then allow the film
          cassette with the latches up, onto a dry, clean counter.   to settle into the cassette. Check to make sure it is within
          Lock the darkroom door, turn the overhead lights off,   the walls and then seal the cassette by pushing the back
          and  turn  the  safety  light  on. Traditional  film cassettes   down until you hear the latches click.
          have latches securing the sides tightly together so no   Remove the labeling devices from the outside of the
          light can penetrate. Push or slide the latches to release   cassette, disinfect and return it to the ready area or pass‐
          the sides to access the film inside. Film is handled at the   through box. A pass‐through box is a lead‐lined, two‐
          corners only and should not touch anything other than   sided cupboard with exposed and unexposed sides. One
          the inside of the cassette. Scratches, static electricity, and   door opens into the radiography room and the other
          water will cause film defects and can be caused by rough   side opens into the darkroom. The latches for the doors
          handling. Once the film is out of the cassette, place it on   are such that only one side at a time can be opened. This
          the entrance tray to the automatic processor       ensures accidental exposure of the film doesn’t happen.
          (Figure 16.6). You may have to give it a little push into   It is a convenient way to manage cassettes as well. You
          the machine until the rollers catch it and take it in. While   always know which cassettes are available for use because
          the exposed film is moving through the processor refill   they are stored on the unexposed side.
          the cassette.                                        By this time the automatic film processor has deliv-
            Remember radiograph film is light and pressure   ered the developed radiograph and if the film bin and
          sensitive. Any work with film must be in the darkroom   any open cassettes are filled and closed the overhead
          with the door shut and locked, and the safety light on.   light may be turned on. Attach the film to a view box
          Film boxes are stored on edge inside a light‐proof safe   and then alert the veterinarian that it is ready for view-
          inside the darkroom. The safe is only opened with the   ing. Record any information in the radiograph log,
                                                             patient’s record, and treatment board. Clean the radi-
                                                             ography table off with paper towels and spray disinfec-
                                                             tant. Check  the  automatic processor for enough
                                                             developer and fixer for subsequent radiographs. Turn
                                                             the safety light off in the darkroom and leave the door
                                                             open as you leave.


                                                               Go into the darkroom at your school or clinic.
                                                               Close the door, turn off the overhead lights, and
                                                               turn on the safety light. Start counting seconds.
                                                               How long did it take your eyes to adjust to the red
                                                               light enough so that you could see your hands?
          FIGURE 16.6  Automatic processor.
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