Page 330 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 330

314    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          completed. This will allow speedy attention to the fragile   channel until it runs clear. Flush with tap water. Flush
          equipment. Most clinics only have one endoscope; there-  with alcohol to aid drying or use dry air under pressure
          fore, it is imperative that it be kept clean and functional.   (large clean, dry syringe).
          The cleaning of the instrument immediately after a   Clean the air/water valve. Disconnect the water bottle
          procedure is especially important if multiple endos-  from the umbilical cord. Place one finger on the air/water
          copies are scheduled on the same day.              inlet and one finger on the air/water valve. The light source
            Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning   pump will blow the residual water out of the channel.
          and sanitizing. Failure to follow instructions can cause   Clean the exterior of the insertion tube. Wash using a
          an existing warranty to be null and void.          gauze sponge soaked in soapy solution or enzymatic
            Prepare  a  labeled  bin  like  a  household  cleaning   cleaner. Wipe soap off using a gauze sponge soaked in
          supplies tote to contain materials for post‐procedure   plain water. Wipe surface with a gauze sponge soaked in
          instrument cleaning. Place the bin on a lower shelf of   70% alcohol.
          the endoscope cart for  immediate use after procedure   Clean the handpiece. Use cotton‐tipped swabs
          conclusion. Materials needed include squirt bottles, with   soaked in alcohol to clean around the valves and knobs
          proper secondary container labeling, containing  the   thoroughly.
          following:                                           Clean the accessory instruments. Soak the working
                                                             end of accessory instruments in soapy water or enzymatic
          •  Disinfectant soap solution or enzymatic cleanser as   cleanser. Use a soft brush to clean serrations and hinges.
           recommended by endoscope manufacturer.
          •  70% alcohol.                                    Soak wires attached to the working end of accessory
                                                             instruments, being careful not to bend or kink the wire.
          •  Hydrogen peroxide. Either cover the secondary     Clean the suction bottle. Dump contents down the
           container with light and waterproof tape or screw a   drain, flushing with copious amounts of water. Fill the
           squirt tip from another bottle onto the original   bottle with soapy water. Swirl the contents to loosen
           peroxide container as hydrogen peroxide           debris. Pour out. Rinse with tap water until the water runs
           deteriorates in the presence of light.
          •  Two large dog water dish sized, stainless steel bowls, if   clear. Fill with disinfectant solution for designated contact
                                                             time as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Rinse with
           there is running water available; if not, have a third   tap water. Turn upside down on a rack to drain until dry.
           bowl for clean tap water.
                                                               To sterilize an endoscope system, either of the follow-
          •  Non‐sterile cotton‐tipped applicator swabs in a large   ing procedures may be used depending on the manufac-
           Ziploc bag.
          •  4 × 4 inch gauze sponges in a small Ziploc bag.  turer’s recommendation.
          •  Large plastic syringe, 20–35 mL, no needle attached.
          •  Small bristle brush for cleaning accessory channel   Gas Sterilization
           and accessory instruments (available from
           manufacturer of endoscope).                       Place the endoscope and accessory instruments in
          •  Roll each of plastic sterilization sleeve and   individual plastic pouches. Insert a sterilization indicator
           sterilization indicator tape that can be cut to length   strip into each pouch, seal, and label. Place pouches in
           for enclosing instruments and endoscope if        the gas sterilizer. Use ethylene oxide gas sterilizer only.
           sterilization is used. Indicator tape must be     Follow the manufacturer’s directions for use of the gas
           compatible with types of sterilization procedure used.   sterilizer.  Never  exceed  the  endoscope  manufacturer’s
           Or glutaraldehyde solution or product of the      temperature and humidity limits. Allow adequate time
           manufacturer’s recommendation for cold sterilization   after gas sterilization for the gas to dissipate: 7 days in a
           if the endoscope is submersible.                  quarantined area at room conditions or 12–18 hours in
          •  PPE: Goggles, gloves, and waterproof apron.     an aerator (failure to do so results in tissue damage when
                                                             next used).
            Dissemble each piece of equipment according to the
          manufacturer’s directions. Their recommendations take
          precedence over any other suggestions.             Cold (Liquid) Sterilization
            Put 100–200 mL of cleaning solution  (enzymatic
          cleaner or diluted surgical soap) into one pan. Put   Glutaraldehyde (2% Cidex) causes tissue irritation so all
          diluted disinfectant solution in the second pan. Have tap   channels and surfaces must be rinsed thoroughly with
          water available either at a sink or in a third, large bowl.  sterile water after sterilization. Follow the product manu-
            Clean the working channel first. Using the syringe,   facturer’s guidelines for contact time and dilution.
          draw the cleaning solution through the working channel   Never  use  a  steam  autoclave  or  hydrogen  peroxide
          until the solution exiting the channel is clear. The   plasma gas on endoscopes.
          cleaning brush is passed up and down through         After the sterilization process, reassemble the parts.
          the channel. Pass the disinfectant solution through the   To store an endoscope and accessory equipment, use a
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