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P. 333


             Suffixes, Prefixes, and Anatomic

             Terms (Roots)

             Suffixes                                           Adjectives (modifiers of the root)

             Characteristic of                                   English form     Meaning           Example
                                                                 ‐al              Relating to,      Mental
              English form  Meaning                Example
                                                                                  characterized by
              ‐al         Relating to, characterized by, of  Mental
                                                                 ‐ar              Resembling,       Irregular
              ‐ar         Relating to, being, resembling  Dolar                   characterized by
              ‐able, ‐ible  Able or capable of     Visible       ‐ac, ‐ic, ‐tic   Pertaining to,    Cardiac, apneic,
              ‐oid        Form or like             Hemorrhoid                     relating to       acoustic
              ‐plasm      Mold or shape            Cytoplasm     ‐us, ‐ous (vs. ur‐   Pertaining to  Various
              ‐elle       Small                    Organelle     meaning urine)

             Singular and plural forms                          Characteristics
              English form  Meaning            Example           English form  Meaning             Example
              ‐a, ‐ae    ‐a means one; ‐ae means   Alumna, alumnae  ‐bryo     Swollen              Embryo
                         many                                    ‐itis        Inflammation of      Dermatitis
              ‐us, ‐i    ‐us means one; ‐i means   Radius, radii  ‐phlic      Like or love         Hydrophilic
                         many                  Alumnus, alumni   ‐phob, phobia  Dislike, fear      Hydrophobia
              ‐um, ‐a    ‐um means one; ‐a means   Stratum, strata  ‐oma      Mass, bulk           Fibroma
                                                                 ‐path, path(y),  Disease          Enteropathy
              ‐is, ‐es   ‐is is singular; ‐es is plural  Diagnosis,   path(o)
                                                                 ‐plasm       Related to plasma or the   Cytoplasma
                                                                              substance of the cell
             Medical condition                                   ‐parous      Bearing              Multiparous
              English form  Meaning             Example          ‐odyn        Pain, distress       Gastrodynia
              ‐osis         Condition           Prognosis        ‐pellent     To drive away        Repellent
              ‐ia, ‐emia    Condition           Anemia           ‐iglia (also:   Glue              Neuroglia,
                                                                 glutin‐)                          agglutination
              ‐y            Condition of, state of  Enteropathy
                                                                 ‐stringent   Draw tight, compress  Astringent
              ‐ic           Condition of        Hydrophobic
                                                                 ‐oid         Like                 Humanoid
              ‐ism          Condition of        Alcoholism

             Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
             © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
             Companion website:                                             317
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