Page 4 - Horst Construction Overview_Corning
P. 4


                                                                           CONSTRUCTION DEFINED:
                                                                                 THE TEAM, PROCESS, &


     What was once considered an alternative method           you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll
     to design-bid-build and construction manager at          take a look at what makes a design-build project,
     risk is quickly becoming the preference.                 what the team structure looks like, and what steps
                                                              are involved. Then, we’ll finish off with an example
     If you want to know how this popular construction        of a design-build project.
     approach is different from the traditional methods,


     Design-build is a type of delivery method for            behalf. This often translates to shorter schedules
     construction projects. Differentiated by how the         and lower project costs.
     team is organized and how information flows
     throughout the project’s stakeholders, design-build  A recent study by the Construction Industry
     is known for its ability to foster collaboration and     Institute compared 350 projects with varying
     reduce the risk and burden held by the project’s         project delivery methods. They found that
     owner.                                                   design-build projects were completed more
                                                              quickly and cost less than the two other leading
     Unlike other delivery methods, design-build’s            project delivery methods, design-bid-build and
     project team structure unites everyone under             construction manager at risk[ii].
     one shared goal: the success of the project as a
     whole – not just their respective portion. Because       Because of the increased efficiencies of design-
     each firm’s success is measured by how well all the      build, the owner can take on fewer duties and less
     other firms do, design-build fosters a collaborative     risk. The design-builder will step in for much of
     atmosphere where knowledge and expertise are             the risk management, potential legal burdens, and
     shared.                                                  administrative tasks.

     The owner typically has one main point of contact
     who then enters into contracts with the architect,
     engineers, and other partners on the owner’s

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