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Vol. 23 • Issue 3                                                                                                             March 2021
                                                                                                                                  April 2020
  Vol. 22 • Issue 4
                                   A look back on Ocean Village in 1974
       Golf Lodges               Coronavirus                             The Inn is open for takeout
                                 pandemic has                             is now open for takeout service. The  the ocean from the ground floor of Cap-
                                                                            Here is some good news!  The Inn  employees will come to you.
                                                                                                                You can also order from your vehicle
                                                                                       By Melissa Greene
                                  THE HISTORY OF OCEAN VILLAGE
                                 changed life at OV                       hours will be from 4-8 PM.          at the front door and wait in the park-
                                                                                         A little background:  stan. There were no bridges to the beach,
                                  POA Communications Committee
                                                                            Call  The Inn at 772-577-4344. Give  ing lot.  The employees will bring your
                                                                                       I have been fortunate  just walking paths through the scrub to
                                  Chair, Pat Sovino
                                                                                       most of my life to  the sand. Our little dog ran freely to the
                                    We have referred to Ocean  Village    them your order, they will give you a time  order to you in your vehicle.
                                  Effective Monday, April 6, 2020, some   for pick-up. If you have a cell phone, they   As  Tony is transitioning  with the
                                                                                       have  Ocean Village  beach and around the property. The no-
                                  as a storied place, a unique village on
                                                                                                              new experience, please be patient and
                                                                                       in my life. My  par-
                                 of the staff will be working from home.   will send you a text when it is ready.  seeums were so thick they could carry
                                  the Atlantic  Ocean  edge. After  nearly
                                 Here is what the changes will be:          When your order is ready, drive to The  let’s all work together.
                                                                                       ents, Betty  and Bob  you  away. There  was also  a  lot  of  tar
                                  50 years, it’s beauty and amenities re-
                                                                          Inn, go to the front entrance, remaining
                                  Administration  staff  –  We  will  all  be Greene, had the great foresight to pur-
                                                                                                             on the beach and you had to check your
  Turn to page 10, 11, 16        working from home.  We will still be able  chase in OV when it was a master plan  feet carefully before you went into the
         Turn to page 10
                                  main and are refreshed as it has offered
                                                                          in your vehicle, to pay and pick up. The
                                  so much more to its owners, renters,
       Beachtree I               to answer the phones and emails.  Because  and a row of Capstans. They purchased  condo after being at the ocean.
                                  and visitors over the years. Perhaps the
                                                                                                               On a daily basis, the sand was cov-
                                                                        Capstan 316 in 1974. I was in 6th grade
                                                                                         THE INN TO-GO
                                 of the low volume of calls to LWR, these
                                  reason for the Village’s longevity is the
                                 calls will be forwarded to the Administra-  at the time! (I will turn 60 this year!)  ered in piles and piles of colorful, whole
                                  people who came here in the early years
                                 tion  line. We will be answering all calls  My mom’s brother, John (Suzie) Smith,  shells. The piles frequently contained a
                                                                                 Call 772-577-4344 to place your order
                                  and never left. These owners came and  and her sister, Jane (Jim) Dukes, soon  prized large shell or conch that earned
                                 from  home.   One of the  administration
                                  brought their  children  and these chil-
                                                                               WE WILL HAVE DAILY SPECIALS! ALL ALCOHOL TO-GO DRINKS
                                 staff will also stop by the office daily to  followed and purchased condos in OV.  bragging rights. It was a beachcomber’s
                                  dren brought their children and invested
                                                                                           AVAILABLE, EXCLUDING DRAFT BEER
                                 take in mail, packages and payments.     My parents moved to Seascape 4100  paradise! South of the property, there
                                  in this beautiful place, as well. Our sto-  as soon as it was completed and my  were trees right along the beach and an
                                  LWR staff – For now, they will be on-
                                  ried place would not be complete with-
                                 site.  They will be doing the online fitness  mom moved to Seascape  permanently  old boat half-buried in the sand. There
                                                                        after my father died in 1983. My mother  were root balls from deceased large
                                  out the stories which make up a rich and
                                                                                                                      (BLK) FISH TACOS• $14
                                                                               CHICKEN TENDERS (HONEY
                                 classes in the morning. They will also be  will turn 95 in August and still lives in-  trees sticking out of the shoreline that
                                                                               MUSTARD) • $10
                                  vibrant history. Included here are two of
                                                                                                                    (BLK) CHICKEN TACOS• $11
           Turn to page 8
          Turn to page 11        working on the pool furniture, getting it  dependently in the 4100 building. Jane  trapped all sorts of wonderful sea crea-
                                  these stories by Melissa Greene, daugh-
                                                                               FRIED SHRIMP (COCKTAIL) • $11
                                 cleaned, repaired and ready for when the
                                                                                                                   (BLK) SHRIMP TACOS• $14
                                                                        and Jim Dukes have both passed but all  tures  (sea  cucumbers,  crabs,  starfish)
                                  ter of the individual who has owned the
                                                                               THAI CHILI HOG WINGS (BLUE
                                                                                                                   SEASONED BEEF TACOS• $13
       Gardenn Spot              pools can be reopened.                 three  of their  children  have  retired  to  among the roots for us to find. The dead
                                  longest in Ocean Village, Betty Greene
                                                                               CHEESE) • $15
                                  Building  and  Grounds  Maintenance  –  OV: Linda and Ross Gillis, Anna King,  trees created beautiful driftwood sculp-
                                  Messier.  As you read these delightful
                                                                                                                  (SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES)
                                 They  will  be  on a  skeleton crew.  There and Kevin and Cyndi Dukes. John and  tures along the shoreline.
                                                                               SPICY CALAMARI (W/ MARINARA)
                                  memories, please make it a point to tell
                                                                               • $14
                                 will be one from each department onsite Suzie Smith are still also residents of   In OV, there were no speed bumps and
                                  us your stories and provide us with pho-
                                 Monday-Friday,  on  a  rotating  schedule. Seascape. My brother, David (Brenda)  we could roller skate, ride bikes, and
                                                                               FRIED FISH BITES (TARTER) • $12
                                                                                                                       PLAIN CHEESE • $8
                                  tos so that others can enjoy our sense
                                 They will quarantine at the maintenance Greene, retired to OV a few years ago  skateboard without fear of being hit by
                                 area working on projects and taking care and my sister owns the condo across the  a car. During our first visit to OV, there
                                                                                                                        (BLK) CHICKEN
                                  of place. Take your photos and stories
                                                                                                                  QUESO/PEPPERS/ONIONS • $11
                                 of work orders. If there is an emergency,  hall from my mom. I have various cous-  was no furniture at the “big” pool (the
                                  to the POA office. We will copy them
                                 they will be available to handle it.   ins and other relatives by marriage who  only pool) and The Inn had not official-
                                  and post some of them. They will be in-
                                                                                                                 QUESO/PEPPERS/ONIONS • $12
                                                                               1/2 LB BURGER (L.TO.P) • $12
                                  Golf Maintenance – The staff will still  also have condos in OV. Ocean Village  ly opened. On Christmas Eve, they let
                                  cluded in THE HISTORY OF OCEAN
                                                                                                                  (SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES)
                                                                              CHICKEN SANDWICH (GRILL/BLKNED) us sit at the bar and have a drink at The
                                                                        is our “family home” and we  TREA-
                                 be maintaining the golf course as usual on
           Turn to page 8
          Turn to page 11        a daily basis, 7 days a week.          SURE it.           • $12             Inn after we unwrapped the bar stools
                                              Suzie Smith, Betsy Murray,
                                                                              FISH SANDWICH (FRIED/BLKNED) • $13 still packaged in boxes and plastic! The
                                                                          Down memory lane: When we moved
                                  Security will be onsite as usual, 24/7.
                                                        Kay Snodgrass
        Golf Lodges
                                                                                                                        Turn to  LOOK BACK page 13
  Golf & Tennis Shop              One last thing, the library is CLOSED.   to OV there was no dune. We could see   (6) FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP • $20
                                                                               GATOR DOG SERVED WITH SAUTEED
                                 If you have  books to  return, hold  on to             ONIONS • $11
                                 them for now. Please do not leave them               1/2 LB B.L.T. • $14            FISH AND CHIPS • $17
                                 outside the library door.                    (ALL SERVED WITH FRIES OR SLAW)     CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK W/
                                  Thank  you all  for your cooperation                                            MUSHROOMS + ONIONS • $18
                                 during these  uncertain  times.  Although             PASTAS                   BEEF TIPS SAUTEED IN  BEEF DEMI
                                 we will be working from home, it will be           SHRIMP SCAMPI • $19           GLAZE W/ MASH AND VEG $18
                                 business as usual.  Please practice social
                                 distancing  of  at  least  6  feet.   Your  staff   PLAIN MARINARA PASTA• $12   SMOTHERED CHICKEN (SAUTEED
                                                                                                                  ONIONS, MUSHROOMS, SWISS
                                 here at Ocean Village  hope you all stay            CHICKEN PARM • $18          CHEESE) W/ MASH AND VEG• $18
           Turn to page 9 safe and healthy!
  Turn to pages 9, 19, 20
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