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Top Reasons Why Understanding Your
Demographic Is Key to Business Growth
means of reaching your
audience, but how can
you be sure that your
messaging isn’t falling
on deaf ears? In the long
run, quality is better than
quantity when it comes
to your marketing efforts.
Rather than churning
out loads of content to
emographics are a key part of a check the task off of
business marketing strategy and, your to-do list, focus on delivering more
as such, it’s crucial to understand personable content that will resonate with
Dthe characteristics of the people your target audiences and, as a result,
who use—or will use—your services. lead to meaningful business-customer
Thanks to the digital era, it’s easier than connections. Remember: consumers
ever for marketers to target the right are real people. Although we may not
groups. always see customers face-to-face, it’s
important to remember that people value
Metaphorically speaking, demographics authenticity and trustworthiness.
are a magnifying glass to give business
owners an up-close look into the PURSUING LONG-TERM CONNECTIONS
audiences their brand or services appeal While casting a wide net may help you
most to. A deep understanding of reach more people, there are little to no
demographics can allow you to finetune benefits associated with marketing to
your marketing campaigns, identify what those who are not interested. With a deep
services and products different audiences understanding of demographics, you can
need, and track the ever-changing spend more time catering to worthwhile
consumer behaviors to ensure your audiences, which can boost your business
strategy evolves with them. success, all while saving time and
Understanding your demographics
can be the missing piece in your There’s no question that social media
marketing strategy, placing your business marketing has limitless potential for
on the right path toward generating driving business growth, but there is a lot
more revenue and securing long-term more to social media than simply posting
customers. content. Sprout Social found that 61%
of consumers say brands that are best-
STRIVING FOR AUTHENTICITY in-class on social know how to engage
It’s very likely that social media is a key their audiences. Knowing that social
part of your marketing strategy as a
media is often the first steppingstone in a
Page 10 IPMA Connection • 3rd Quarter, 2022