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Cracking the Social Media Content Code

                                          One of the                Company news, events, or milestones
                                      most challenging              Promote client referral programs and
                                      aspects of social          incentives
                                      media is constantly           Anywhere you’re featured (e.g. news,
                                      developing                 websites, awards, etc.)
                                      content. Here are             Introduce new pest control technicians,
                                      a few ideas for            anniversaries, and employees of the
                                      creating hyper-            month
            relevant content:                                    PHOTOGRAPHS & VIDEOS
               Giveaways                                            Some of the best pictures you can post
                                                                 are things like:
               Pest control tips
                                                                    •  New employee picture
               Your blog                                            •  Employee anniversary picture

               Employees’ volunteer work                            •  Employee of the month picture
               Special offers                                       •  Before and after pictures of your
                                                                        best work
               Reviews or testimonials


                 The RODENTHOR line consists of rodent block bait, soft bait, rat bait stations and snap traps. Both baits contain
                  the advanced anticoagulant, single-feeding active ingredient bromadiolone. Rodenthor products are labeled for
                 use in a wide range of locations, including in and around homes and residential buildings, food processing facili-
                             ties, industrial, commercial, agricultural and public buildings, and similar structures.

                    Steve Goscinsky                                                     888-398-3772

                                                                                                  (Continued on page13)
            Page 12                                                                IPMA Connection • 3rd  Quarter, 2022
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