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consumer’s journey to evaluate products
            and services, marketers should consider              CONNECTED.
            adopting new, authentic ways to interact
            with consumers.                                      INSPIRED.

               Your messaging and delivery are key               EDUCATED.
            players in ensuring your content resonates                         hen you connect with
            with your ideal audience, and utilizing                            other pest management
            social data is one of the many ways in                             professionals from around
            which you can engage with consumers                 Wthe world, you create greater
            on a deeper level. To support that goal,             possibilities—possibilities that advance
            Mainframe provides subscribers with                  your career, grow your business, and
            access to an expansive library of unique,            support your customers. PestWorld 2022
            ready-made social media content,                     brings individuals from every facet of pest
            which was designed to catch and keep                 management together to share tactical
            consumers’ attention.                                knowledge, hear different perspectives
            LEVERAGING TOOLS FOR SUCCESS                         on business trends, learn from the latest

               Now, popular social platforms like                technical research, and form strong
            Instagram, YouTube and Facebook offer                relationships.
            insights tools for businesses to access key
            demographic data about the audiences                 Full Schedule Now Available!
            that see and engage with their content,
            which saves them the costly trouble of                   There’s so much to do at PestWorld.
            typical marketing research. Even better,             From dynamic keynote speakers,
            the available data is remarkably accurate,           educational sessions where you can
            making the task of targeting people who              earn CEUs, a huge exhibit hall, fun-filled
            require your services much easier and                social activities, and tons of networking
            more cost-effective.                                 opportunities- just to name a few, you’re
                                                                 going to want to start planning out your
               Sending a customer satisfaction                   schedule now. Make the most of your
            survey after a service is complete is a              experience and your time in Boston!
            great tool to capture candid feedback for
            the company to consider and grow from.               Register today for PestWorld 2022 by
            Additionally, surveys can inquire about              visiting:
            basic demographic information to further
            fuel their understanding of the individuals
            they serve. Over time, this data should be
            filed away and monitored every so often
            to observe any shifts and adjust your
            strategy as needed.

            Cindy Mannes was the executive director of
            the Professional Pest Management Alliance.
            Visit for more

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