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2023 5% Membership Dues Increase
NPMA dues will be increasing by 5% The NPMA Board made this decision
effective July 1, 2023. Read more about based on the recognition of increasing
the change here and view the updated expenses to continue to add and develop
NPMA dues structure on page 15. new programs and initiatives for members
of the Association. These include efforts
Background: In an effort to evaluate such as the Workforce Development
and update the NPMA Dues Structure, Initiative with the goal of assisting pest
a Blue-Ribbon Membership Task Force management companies to recruit new
was appointed by the NPMA President professionals and increase the exposure
in 2016. The goal was to develop a fair, of careers in the industry to new people.
equitable, transparent, and sustainable NPMA’s Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
dues schedule for the Association. Through initiative and Professional Women in
this process, membership for pest control Pest Management are helping companies
companies was streamlined to standard better engage with diverse populations.
dues and joint dues (discounted by 25%). As I’m sure you’re well-aware, all
The large joint category was removed business services have increased in
so that members in all states were price making everything we do more
paying equitably. The work of this group expensive to execute. The gradual
culminated with new dues categories that increase in membership dues will allow the
went into effect in the 2018-2019 NPMA association to continue providing you the
Membership Year. service and support you expect without
compromising the quality of services. The
The final recommendation of the NPMA board met at the 2022 Executive
NPMA Blue-Ribbon Task Force was that Leadership Forum and Voted to amend
the NPMA Board of Directors evaluate the membership dues for the Association.
dues schedule at least once every three NPMA membership dues will be increased
years to ensure it was keeping in line with by 5%.
industry growth and meeting the needs of
the Association. The Timing: The dues changes are
effective for membership terms beginning
The Change: Based on the on or after 1/1/2023. Per the Blue Ribbon
recommendation of the NPMA Blue- Task Force’s recommendation, NPMA will
Ribbon Task Force and in line with the review dues rates every three years. No
regular review of the NPMA membership changes will be made in the interim.
dues structure, a motion was made and
unanimously approved by the Board to The Impact: All NPMA members
increase dues by 5%, beginning January currently paying membership dues. This
1, 2023. The incremental change aims to change will not change the rates for state
ensure fiscal sustainability and the long- or provincial associations, QualityPro,
term viability of the Association. PPMA or any related programs.
Page 14 IPMA Connection • 3rd Quarter, 2022