Page 18 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
P. 18
Ocampo district, including Ocampo
National High School placed 1st Run-
ner Up over-all as the contestants
fought in several music and dance
competitions during the 3rd Con-
gressional Meet Festival of Talents
irap na hirap na ako. I ize sports activities on limited at Camaligan Central School.
Full intensive support were given by
need financial support.” funds. the school head, Reynaldo P. Lopez,
The weightlifting star Hidi- Of course, there is a fine line MAPEH Dept Head, Apolinario Abari-
H Francisco Diaz shared between sports in national and lo- co, with the MAPEH Teachers, who have aided in coaching the students.
her complaint about the govern- cal level. However, the predica- 3KRWR 0DU\DQQH % =DUDJRVD
ment’s lack of support for her To- ments the athletes are experiencing
kyo 2020 bid. Diaz— determined to are left the same, unchanged.
achieve her dream to win the coun- The government must part aim to use maintain or im-
try’s elusive first Olympic gold is have a say to this, the poten- prove physical ability and skills
simply asking for a little bit more of tials of the athletes do not while providing enjoyment to par-
support. limit to where we stand. ticipants and some cases enter-
The Philippine Sports Com- Representing our country tainment spectators.
mission immediately responded to comes with great pres- We all know that our work
her and said that it has not fail in sure. When our ath- meets its finest digital and techno-
providing financial support to her letes take their first logical evolution which is scat-
endeavor. “The government has step to compete on a tered in different aspects in our
been very sup- glob- society just like in sports. E-sports
portive,” PSC a l is now timely and necessary as of
Chairman Butch nowadays it is the trend not just in
Ramirez said. computer shop but in
Well, this higher competition. The
is not the first Global e-sports audi-
time we’ve heard ence will reach 380
such news. Mi- million this year, made
chael Martinez— up of 165 million dedi-
Olympian figure cated e-sports fans and
skater also go 215 occasional viewer s.
through the It somehow getting atten-
same dilemma tion to public especially the play-
during his initial ers for it's not just a simple fun
preparation for game but a game that can bring
the Winter Olym- pride to one's country. It is now
pics 2014. source of living because of its
Filipinos expensive prices. The basis of
love sports. competitiveness, teamwork, a
We have so many athletes scale, we can’t just game that can educate a person
with so much potentials. We have wish them luck but and improve problem-solving
strong passion, and neither do we provide them with skills. These are the pleasing ben-
lack talent. But truth be told, sports what they need. Be- efits that we can harness from e-
isn’t just the priority of the govern- cause when the ath- sports, but it is always balance. If
ment. Yes, it offers provisions but it letes get hold of vic- there are good then there are more
just couldn’t offer it’s all out sup- tory, won’t it bring us bad effect of it to a person.
port. What’s holding them back? pride then? If there are inclusion of e-
They say that our athletes lack What we need sports in tournaments there will be
physical strength and mental condi- to do is to strengthen an additional funds for the materi-
tioning. The statement bounced the support system als especially one which is availa-
back to them in question, how can for sports. One must ble only in few countries and the
the athletes achieve those things neither win nor lose other necessary stuffs. It may lead
when there’s no even training facili- all the time. Let’s to corruption because of fixing
ties? build a common games transaction that may hap-
It just shows how they turn a ground where sports pen which tolerate cheating. It can
blind eye to these kinds of matter. is given proper value give a lot of health risks to the
This is no joke. The potentials of so when we compete in players because of heavy trainings
the athletes should be enhanced a global scale, it will be a fair and preparations. Just like being
not wasted. If the government can’t fight. We must not rely on plain sedentary for too long or too much
offer its full support to our national luck, let’s face the moment of truth sitting can cause further and nu-
athletes, what more do we expect that when we do nothing, expect merous health complications. Too
from sports on the local level. nothing’s changed. much radiation, using of wrist that
The PALARO is a local If we lose several times this can cause repetitive stress injuries
sports competition where many season, by the law of averages or the swelling or inflammation of
schools intend to participate. And we’re bound to win a medal soon. the tissue that can pressure the
no matter how many good players Athletes shouldn’t be discouraged nerves, lack of sleep, addiction
are out there, some schools won’t instead persevere. One day when and more mental health risks like
just able to make it to the ‘Palaro’ the government had finally awak- depression and anxiety because o
or if they managed to do so, there ened and changed its vision to- LEGEND BANG BANG - a multiplay- panic attacks. Sports promotes
would be limited players because wards sports, there will be more er online battle arena mobile game good health not these kinds of
they can’t accommodate all. Fund rooms for improvement. So, for which is well-played in our country, risks.
has always been a major problem. now, it is clear as light that it isn’t ARENA OF VALOR - 3d mul- Yes, it is not bad to go with
Without a Department of Sports, luck that is needed, it’s ‘s(up)-port’. tiplayer online battle arena MOBA the flow of timely things or the
local governments are left to organ- fun electronic game to style game to mobile, DOTA 2- bandwagon effect but for me truly
a medaled one? These multiplayer online battle, inclusion of e-sports in Sea Games
years South East Asian STARCRAFT II - science fictional or at higher sports competition is
Games 2019 shookt the real- time strategy video game, quite not accurate. It's been centu-
world of sports. As the game that TEKKEN 7- fighting game devel- ries since a sports events were
a mere child or young one like me oped that introduces new ele- played with physical contact to
rojects, assignments, re- it can give us had just been playing became ments to the fighting system such their people. It is part of one coun-
ports, lecture, quiz- these joy, that can great spectacle for one South East as rage arts and power crash me- try's psyche. Rio Olympics, Japan
are the school works that bring us opti- Asian country to bag bronze, silver chanic making game more friendly Olympics, Winter Olympics, South-
make students busy and mism and or gold medal for additional tally than previous literation in the se- east Asian Games, the sport com-
hastily preparing for, burning their satisfaction b e - of overall petitions years
sleep hours to past the deadline and cause of the experience t h a t medals counted that
preparing good marks, and waking will last in our memories and the from differ- uses ball,
up early every morning to go at hidden skills that will be unlocked. ent sports Five seconds until the enemy court, ring,
school. No time for proper exercise Sport time will be the way to prove events. racket, net to
and socialization. What if our school our skills in different aspect not just This reaches the battlefield savor a medal,
gives an attention or time for in studying. It can improve also our is the first but now mo-
sports? value as a person and as a student. time that e- bile phone,
Sports time, meaning stu- Sports enhances discipline camara- sports contest became a medal ries, HEARTSTONE- free to play computer and internet? Sport ath-
dents will have a time to play any derie, punctuality, fairness, rapport, event in a multi-sports competi- online digital collectible card letes to electro-athlethes? We
sports event they want that is availa- honesty and many others. It will help tion. It was sanctioned by the In- game. It was accredited by the should focus more on real sports
ble in school. Once or twice a week. school to be a home of values not ternational Olympic Committe (a Asian Electronic Sports Federa- not on the virtual reality of sport,
It can be very helpful nowadays in- just a knowledge. non-governmental sports organi- tion. If many organization ap- the e-sports. Why? Maybe for oth-
stead of playing mobile games and Sports time especially im- sation based on Switzerland). proved these inclusion of e-sports ers it is great the because it be-
using their vacant time in unneces- prove our social skills. It includes After the discipline of a in Sea Games there are also oppo- came a medaled one, but for me it
sary or nonsense things. They will how we face other people while demonstration sport (meaning site views of experts or profes- should fit also the right place of
be going to use it in a worthy and playing and acceptance that will medals won in this sport will not sionals that rendered it and be- the tournament, not in Sea Games.
healthy way. We all know that sports grow in our hearts. be counted in the official overall lieved that it needs more study Like World e-sports Battle not mix
are very great way to exercise our Yes, we conduct intramurals in our medal tally). It has been great and dialogues to be able to be with the real sport events. It can
body. It will not just improve our school but not all can participate. milestone for Philippines to held truly prohibited in medal tourna- give more justice to the meaning
physical body but also our mental We have P.E time but it is not con- these year's Sea Games from 10- ment or the higher sports Olym- of sports. Sea Games is Sea
health as a student. We used our stant. Sport time will truly help stu- 13 of December which first time in pics. Can e-sports justify the defi- Games, sport is sport. Nothing
brain too much in studying and other dents to become healthy while hav- history of embracing e-sports in nition of sports? should change about it because
stuffs, that causes stress and even ing fun despite of the stress from tournament. There are 6 medals SPORTS includes all forms being organic in artificial world is
depression. It will be a great oppor- school works. They will be the stu- contested featuring 4- PC console of competitive physical activity or great to practice.
tunity for us to focus dents that will turns to adult stage and 2 mobile games. The games games which through casual or
also our attention in but child at heart that seeks for ad- which were contested are: MOBILE organized participation at least in
different world where venture and happiness 3KRWRV E-O-D-]-H RQ 'HYLDQW$UW