Page 19 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
P. 19
far stretch from the Blue Rap- the tournament sessions to
tors, lacking more than 14 the critical task of designating
golds to snatch the personnel to host, prepare,
over-all champion- organize, and achieve a com-
ship. . mendable workflow of the
respective events and re-
In so, the Purple
lue Raptors Legends bagged sults.
claimed the secutively, 26 gold, 16 sil- Moreover, this could
crown of round-by round. ver, and 12 bronze. not be done without the ut-
2019 Intra- most support of the entire
murals with the theme, Having the second larg- Furthermore, ninth- ONHS faculty and students,
“Forging Unity and Camarade- est number of students next grader Yellow Phoenixes land- with the great help of the
rie through Sports,” soaring to Grade 8, with 490 over all, ed in 3rd Place, with 24 gold, Ocampo community and
over four other teams on July the Raptors even bagged sev- 17 silver, and 21 bronze, Red stakeholders.
29. eral golds in Athletics and Dragons of Grade 8 behind
even during the Musical and them with 20 gold, 18 silver,
Also known as “Birds of Dance Competition, much to and 20 bronze.
Prey,” the blue-blooded grade the favor of the judges and 6ZLIW \HW YL
ten landed on top of the lead- crowds. Freshmen Green Quan-
erboard with 40 gold, 31 sil- tum sits on last place with 3 FLRXV 7KLV WUDLO
ver, and 18 bronze, in the ac- Moreover, Grade 10 gold, 10 silver, and 10 bronze.
tion-packed tournament held candidates for the much- This, to them, however, is an -EOD]LQJ FODQ
from July 25 until 27. coveted Mr. & Ms. Intramurals experience worth considering
2019 title grabbed a higher- to improve their bid for the QHYHU JRHV RXW
Raptors’ total of 89 tiers in the pageant. next school-based tourna-
medals secured their champi- ment. RI WKH UDFH
onship status, also besting Meanwhile, Senior High
the Senior High School Grade School Despite the age ban and 7KHLU YRODWLOH
Levels. team gloomy weather, some stu- EOXH WKLFN VNLQ
dents said that this year’s
Earlier in the games, the games were more fun and
Grade 10 battalion exciting than the past years DQG UDXQFK\
already topnotched for more athletes and athlete GHDGO\ IDQJV
the ball tourna- wannabes were able to partic-
ments, dominat- ipate due to the increase in ZLOO GHILQLWHO\
ing the other casts number of teams.
Purple Leg- All hail to the MAPEH
ends was a Department for leading the LQWR WLGELWV.
Intramurals 2019 from the
planning to