Page 20 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
P. 20

Ocampo  and  angled  spike  by  Gemma,   by  25-15  as  they  continue  to  dominate
                                                                                      help the to clinched the 1  game, 25-15,   aces from powerful and good serve, fine
                                                                                      25-14, 25-10.                      reception to fight the powerful smasher
                                                           he Volleyball Girls of Team      Up  to  the                  of  Camaligan,  jersey  number  7,  Cristina
                                                           Ocampo  bagged  bronze  as   next round, the                    Asucena  as  she  soars  high  and  the
                                                           they set up their finest cali-  girls   was                     constant attacks and witty placing of
                                                   T  and  ousted  Magarao            given  short                          Angela continues.
                                                                                                                               Stop a beat, the second  die hard
                                                                 and Camaligan in the   t i m e                             moment of Ocampo in the second set
                                                                 double   elimination                                       flourished as the close game between
                                                                 round  of  2019  3    break to regain                     the two team. 24-24, jersey number 6
                                                                                                                          of  Ocampo’s  powerful  attack  error  ex-
                                                                 Congressional   Dis-  t h e i r                         tend  the  game.  27-29,  Camaligan  re-
                                                                 trict  Meet  last  Octo-                                venge victory.
                                                                 ber  13-16  at  Cama-                                         Crawling   for   next   round,
                                                                 ligan  National  High                                        Ocampo’s  lose  momentum  from
                                                                 School.  Ocampo  Na-                                           second set interchange as Gem-
                                                                                                                                 ma  Pellejera  made  clever  and
                                                   tional High School very own, Angela                                           powerful reception, 8-7. Angela
                                                   Barandon  Alvaro  and  Kristine  Erika                                       unleashed  powerful  spike  from
                                                   Isaac  dominated  and  helped  their                                        good  execution  set  of  Lyka.
                                                                                                                             Change court! The furious Lyka gave
                                                   teammates which is spearheaded by                                       die  hard  save.3  errors  of  Ocampo
                                                   different  school  Hanawan  and  Hiba-                                turned  to  timeout.  “Don’t  make  them
             ill  them  with   car  and  Busadre  cov-  go  High  School  to  savor  the  victory                        close,” said by the coach of the team. 3
             k i n d n e s s .   ered  up  the  mishap   despite  of  their  lackluster  perfor-                         consecutive aces of Angela balance the
             Double  boy   with   overwhelming                                                                           point  Gemma  clear  and  wise  bump  to
             and    girls   smash  and  defense    mance between the Calabanga where
     faced their nemesis  in   that  led  the  multiple   stopped them to reach the silver and                           Camaligan lead to game 23-15 adjusting
     the  semifinal  game   errors  committed  by                                                                        to  next  round,  Christina  of  Camaligan
     today,   October   11,   the  opponent,  17-7.   gold.                                                              one handed powerful reception error end
     2019 at Magarao Con-  From there, the team is                                                                       the game 26-16, Ocampo soar and went
     vention  Center  during   unstoppable   despite    The girls are very much com-                                     to the next round.
     the opening day of the   kills and smash initiat-
     Badminton   Tourna-  ed  by  the  opponent.    petitive  and  gave  their  all  as  they                                  Fifteen minutes for the tired girls
     ment  for  the  3rd  Con-  At  last,  the  tandem   played Volleyball matches in one day.                             coming from the consecutive twice to
     gressional   District   won game 2, 21-10.    Magarao,  Camaligan  and  Calabanga                                       beat victory to prepare for the elimi-
     Meet.                   This   proclaimed     are the school they faced off.                                              nation between Calabanga to fight
        Badminton  double   their  spot  for  the       Fiercely unstoppable, the girls                                          Pili  for  the  Championship
     boys  composed  of   championship   game                                                                                     round.
     Marjim  Busadre  and   against  Pili  district.    showed their scorching service aces
     Jayson  Rey  Colocar   "Masaya  po  ako  dahil   and dinks in the first game between                                           The  girls  seem  weaken
     dominated  Magarao  in   first  time  ko  po."  ex-  the Magarao. Alvaro’s early effective                                       especially  Gemma  as
     not  so  easy  match.   claimed Colocar at the   reception  and  placing  by  number  8                                            she  got  injury  in  her
     The  tandem  survived   end  of  the  game.   help  the  Ocampo  to  lead.  In  the                                                  arm  and  received
     the  early  scare  versus                     middle floater of the game, long                                                         bandage   treat-
     it's   opponet   which   Meanwhile,   the                                                                                               ment   but   it
     instantly  led  them  to   tandem  of  Joycee  Li-  rally arose but the good execu-
     the  semi-final  battle   breja and Adriana Paul-  tion  of  ball  by                                                                    doesn’t   stop
     against Camaligan.    ine   Pequiras   shut                                                                                               them  to  fight
        With  the  burning   down    d o u -                                                                                                    and present
     determination,  Colocar   b l e                                                                                                              the   mu-
     got 1-love with the blitz   g i r l s
     of smash. A slow start   o  f
     from  Magarao  put  the
     tandem  on  top.  The
     tandem  performed  the
     most unparallel combi-
     nation  of  attack  and   Magarao
     defense  as  they  won   in   their
     the  lead,  8-3.  Busadre   g a m e .
     led the win with beauti-  They  won                                                                                           nicipality  and  the  school
     ful service and the loss   game 1 (21-                                                                 strength   to   especially.
     of  the  opponent  con-  5)  and  game                                                                 face    off
     tinued to grow against   2   (21-7).                                                                                      The  team  started  slow  as  they
     Ocampo,  15-8.  The   The representa-                                                                 Team  Cama-   strike by powerful attacks of Calabanga
     tandem  of  Busadre   tive of Ocampo district                                                         ligan.        25-14.
     and  Colocar  pinned   will  bring  down  two                                                         Savoring   for      Trying  for  the  better,  at  the  sec-
     down  the  end  of  the   heavyweight  team  in                                                       fresh   start,   ond  momentum  of  the  set  the  girls
     first game as they grab   the  3rd  congressional                                                      Lyka  Nuñez   fought hard and created 0-4 nothing run
     the  winning,  21-13.   District  of  Camarines                                                         the   team
     Bathed in sweat, Colo-  Sur for the said event.                                                                     for  Calabanga.  Gemma  continue  to
     car  exchanged  rally   Ocampo   Badminton                                                               captain  of   fought  even  with  the  presence  of  injury
     with  Camaligan  but   teams  will  try  to  de-                                                          Ocampo    and  Angela  continue  her  brainy  attack
     disappointed  the  be-  throne the powerhouse                                                              hooked   that vanished the power of Calabanga 11
     ginning of game 2.    tandem  of  Pili  in  the                                                            the  first   -25.
        However, the wheel   final match of the dou-                                                            p o i n t .
     of  fortune  does  not   bles category on Octo-                                                                           In  the  last  set  the  team  Ocampo
     always  favor  one  side   ber 12, 2019.                                                                   T h e y   couldn’t  extend  in  the  Championship
     as the tandem of Colo-                                                                                     lead  the   round and fight as they do beat by Cala-
                                                                                                                set  one   banga, 15-11.
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