Page 139 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 139
The X-Factor
Supersets – The Killer Routine
Supersets are exercises that work two opposing muscles groups in succession. I
will explain and show the six exercises that will give maximum results in a short
space of time and more importantly, provide a good maintenance programme.
The muscles that you need in punching are:
1) Triceps: Located at the back of the upper arm.
These muscles straighten the arm and are therefore used in straight punching,
the jab and the cross.
2) The Biceps: Located at the front of the upper arm.
These muscles bend the arm and are therefore used in hooks and uppercuts.
3) Lats: Located down the side of the body.
These muscles literally armour the body.
4) Abdominals: Located down the front of the body and extending from the
sternum to below the navel.
These muscles also act as armour against body shots and kicks.
Superset One
Dips (Figs. 225 and 226)
Curls (Figs. 227 and 228)
Perform 1 x 12 dips and then run to the curling station and perform 1 x 12 curls.
Repeat this superset three times.
Now run to the next workstation.
Fig 225 Fig 226