Page 134 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 134
Combat Kick Boxing
Drill Six
Similar to Drill Three, but you wear an old white T-shirt, industrial protective
goggles and are padded up for contact sparring. Your opponent has a red felt-tip
pen and is padded up for kick boxing sparring. (Fig. 223)
For two rounds of one minute you must defend yourself whilst trying to avoid
both the punches and kicks of your opponent and the felt-tip pen. This is a sobering
experience for anyone under any delusions about the dangers of facing a knife.
Over the two minutes you will invariably be hit and at the finish will be lucky
not to be covered in red strike marks. Remember, a man with a knife does not
have to strike hard, he merely has to run the blade across you – just like a felt-tip.
The extreme importance of taking your assailant out of the game fast will be
brought home in a very obvious way.
Fig 223