Page 17 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
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Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015
• Address any remaining • Continue to improve wastewater infrastructure. Develop • Town Board
issues with the Winebrook capital improvement plan and engineering drawings for water
Water/Wastewater District. infrastructure and implement solutions
• Develop multimodal shared • Develop designs for respective facilities* • Town
roadways, parking areas, • Explore and identify funding opportunities Board/Advisory
sidewalks, pedestrian • Construct improvements Committee
connections, and corridor
beautifications as identified
Important in the Hamlet Smart
Project Growth Plan (see Concept • *Great Camp Santanoni and Hudson River Bridge
Plans) improvements were selected as the most important site-
specific projects
• Create a long-term plan to • Contingent upon the goal of creating a “downtown” • Town Board
increase geographical commercial/activity area(s), retain a consultant to develop a
coverage of wastewater long-term plan for expansion of wastewater services
Other service for future
Project development of a
commercial/activity core
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