Page 15 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
P. 15

Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015

                          • Utilize signage to drive      • Discuss signage with DOT                                       • Town
                            traffic through Newcomb       • Develop and install signs based on marketing and branding       Board/Advisory
                            along Rt. 28N to the            effort.                                                         Committee
                            Northway. Develop             • Incorporate vehicle and pedestrian scale signage (to be
                            wayfinding signage based        installed with site-specific improvements)

                 High       on the Hamlet Smart
               Priority     Growth Plan (see Concept


                          • Develop a cross-country ski   • Convene a working group to develop a plan                      • Town
                            trail network incorporating                                                                     Board/Advisory
                 High       the Town golf course and                                                                        Committee
               Priority     utilize the clubhouse to rent
                            skis and provide food
                          • Develop Santanoni as an       • Work with NYSDEC, APA, Adirondack Architectural Heritage,      • Town
                            amenity rich recreation         Preservation League of NYS, etc. to discuss issues and          Board/Advisory
                            facility to include expanded    opportunities                                                   Committee, NYSDEC,
               Priority     year-round recreational                                                                         APA, etc.
                            opportunities, improved
                            access for the disabled and

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