Page 10 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
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Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015
Action Plan Implementation Strategy
The implementation of the Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan recommendations will depend upon the
availability of funding and partnership opportunities. Recommendations are identified as highest priority, high
priority, important project, and other project. It is important to note that highest priority projects may require a
significant amount of resources and time to complete. Conversely, a lower priority project may be accomplished
in a brief amount of time or with limited effort. Therefore, while it is recommended that Newcomb first focus on
highest and high priority projects, it should also consider taking advantage of any opportunity that may advance
any of the following initiatives. For reference purposes, the Newcomb Comprehensive Plan Concept Map and
relevant Smart Growth Hamlet Plan figures area included as attachments. Note: Items listed in each of the
categories below are not in ranked order.
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