Page 9 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
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Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015
Planning Process
With funding support from the NYS Department of State (DOS), the Town and its Special Projects Committee
(Advisory Committee) reengaged the community to develop the Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan. The Special
Projects Committee developed a prioritization exercise for the community’s use at a public workshop that was
held on April 29, 2015, at Newcomb Central School. The workshop included a brief presentation that provided
project background information and a review of the prioritization exercise. The prioritization exercise consisted of
a series of large scale tables that itemized the Town’s current planning recommendations and projects. Public
workshop participants were asked to review the list of initiatives and vote, via color coded stickers, for what they
deemed were the most important initiatives. Based on the results of this analysis, the Special Projects Committee
developed the Action Plan Implementation Strategy (see page 7).
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