Page 11 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
P. 11
Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015
Priority Recommendation Implementation Strategy Leadership/
Level Partners
Economic Development
• Develop a community • Finalize draft design documents and preliminary permitting • Town Board/
welcome center near the • Pursue grant funding for final design and construction Advisory Committee
Overlook Park to support • Develop central commercial/activity area(s) centered around
historical curation and Overlook Park and the Town’s recreation area (see related
Highest interpretation, community recommendation below)
Priority activities and events,
service tourists (particularly
outdoor enthusiasts), and
possibly offer space for
business opportunities
• Attract basic goods or • Appoint a committee charged with investigating options and • Town Board/
services and/or investigate developing a plan Advisory Committee
the creation of a local
Highest resident owned business
Priority cooperative to provide a
gas station, restaurant,
and/or other services (e.g.,
• Develop a central • Develop appropriate pedestrian and tourism infrastructure to • Town
commercial/activity area(s) encourage development (see related infrastructure Board/Advisory
in order to attract small- recommendations below) Committee
Highest scale commercial business • Review zoning to ensure desired site design and densities IDA/Other
Priority to the Town as identified in • Investigate ownership and taxing incentives to encourage Partnerships
the Hamlet Smart Growth development
Plan (see Concept Plans) • Work with the County IDA and other economic development
entities to promote and attract business
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