Page 14 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
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Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015

                          • Continue to address issues    • Review zoning to ensure it encourages desired senior           • Town Board/
                            of an aging population in       development                                                     Committee
                 High       planning for medical          • Develop necessary transportation and “living in place”
               Priority     services, senior activities,    policies, programs, and infrastructure
                            housing and elder care.       • Work with the County and State entities and nonprofits to
                                                            identify funding opportunities and resources

                           • Develop a master plan for    • Work with committee and community to develop plan using        • Town
              Important     the High Peaks Overlook         concepts in Hamlet Smart Growth Plan as basis/starting point    Board/Advisory
               Project      and work to revitalize          (see Recreation Core Concept Plan)                              Committee
                            public space

                          • Develop a Newcomb Green       • Create green standards for town facilities and projects        • Town
                Other       Initiative                    • Review zoning to ensure it supports green development           Board/Advisory
               Project                                    • Work to expand recycling at the Town Dump                       Committee
                                                          • Create a “Living Green in Newcomb” pamphlet
              Marketing & Branding

                          • Continue marketing and        • Ensure continuity in messaging when conducting outreach on     • Town
                            branding initiative by          social media and graphically when creating print/online         Board/Advisory
                            leveraging the Town’s           material                                                        Committee
                            recreational, historical,     • Develop new events related to arts and culture, music,
                            environmental and               outdoor sports (running and cycling), and golf
                 High       educational resources
               Priority                                   • Create a Newcomb arts and/or events committee to
                                                            coordinate year-round activities
                                                          • Host environmental forums and events; market the Town as
                                                            an environmental education center (“living sustainably”)
                                                          • Coordinate heritage, environmental, education and recreation
                                                            initiatives among Newcomb’s institutions

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