Page 12 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
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Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015
• Develop a plan to attract • Review zoning to ensure it encourages desired development • Town Board/
lodging facilities of all • Develop necessary tourism infrastructure to increase IDA/Other
types, including motels, visitation Partnerships
Highest inns, and cabins
Priority • Work with the County IDA and other economic development
entities to identify funding opportunities
• Develop pro formas for desired businesses to demonstrate
• Develop an industrial park • Review zoning to ensure desired site design and densities • Town Board/
oriented towards attracting • Work with the County IDA and other economic development IDA/Other
High businesses that utilize the entities to seek funding to develop the incubator Partnerships
Priority region’s sustainable
resources, especially wood
• Support • More specific recommendation to be determined • Town Board, NL
Important reuse/redevelopment of Industries, etc.
the NL Industries property
• Develop a business • Work with the County IDA and other economic development • Town Board/
incubator, popup entities to seek funding to develop the incubator IDA/Other
businesses, and/or co-work Partnerships
Project spaces with shared services
and facilities to attract
small scale and start-up
• Support the placement of • Discuss with Department of Social Services and other related • Town Board
Other Development Homes in the agencies/organizations
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