Page 13 - Town of Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan - 2016
P. 13
Newcomb Revitalization Action Plan 2015
• Attract or provide • Review zoning to ensure it encourages desired development • Town Board/
additional • Work with the County IDA and other economic development Advisory
business/professional entities to identify small business funding opportunities Committee/IDA
Other services for residents (e.g.,
Project • Develop pro formas for desired businesses to demonstrate
legal, mental health, profitability
banking, etc.) • Consider locating space for professional services in the
proposed community welcome center
• Attract additional • Review zoning to ensure it encourages desired development • Town Board/
dining/entertainment • Develop necessary tourism infrastructure to increase Advisory
options. visitation Committee/IDA
• Work with the County IDA and other economic development
Other entities to identify small business funding opportunities
Project • Develop pro formas for desired businesses to demonstrate
• Consider locating a community kitchen in the proposed
community welcome center in order to support small-scale
food operations and/or startups
Quality of Life
• Support school initiatives to • Continue to integrate school facilities into the Town by • Newcomb Central
attract students and allowing public use during appropriate periods School/Other
Highest maintain a viable school • Support the school district in lobbying for changes in boarding Partnerships
Priority rules
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