Page 15 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 15
A Letter from the
Friends Board President
..........................................................The Friends (Auxiliary Board) of Jack &
Over 20 Years & $4.75 Million— 2021-22 Board of Directors
Jill Center was established in 1999 to provide financial support, volunteer Marie Hansen, President
Kate Murphy Voltz, President-Elect
services, program assistance, and community awareness. Since its Claire Fair, VP Fund Development
inception, Friends has raised over $4.75 million and has volunteered Cindy Sessoms, VP Membership
thousands of hours to improve the lives of children and their families. Tricia Willenborg, VP Volunteers
Allison Muney, Secretary
Assisting the Center to fulfill its mission has been priceless! Elizabeth Malkin, Treasurer
It is my joy to express gratitude to the Friends for their dedication, Lauren Atlass
Sally Beach
generosity, and fun-loving spirit! Not only does this versatile group Kristin Bianculli
volunteer directly with the children, stock and organize the Jack & Jill Liz Caldwell
Boutique (food and clothing pantry), and more—they also throw thrilling Anna Carpenter
Cindy Cast
events with welcoming atmospheres. In fact, Flip Flops on the Docks was Kelly Climie
voted Best Nonprofit Fundraiser by Fort Lauderdale Magazine in 2021! Kim Curry
Pat Damoorgian
This year, the 17th Annual Pediatrix Flip Flops on the Docks, presented Denise Day
by Spirit Airlines will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 6:30 to Nancy Edison
Kim Flynn
10:30 PM at the Lauderdale Yacht Club. All guests of this casual soiree Stacey Friedman
will enjoy breathtaking sunset views of the Intracoastal, live entertainment Kathryn Glenewinkel
including The Weedline Band and a Junkanoo, unlimited bites from Erica Gomer
Vanessa Goodis Rogge
Bahamian inspired culinary stations, featured specialty cocktails and an Kristen Harlow
open bar, a silent/ online auction with over 100 items, and luxurious live Patty Hawk
auction items! Tickets are available at Becca Hill
Anne Hilmer
Two other events to save the date for in 2022 are the 20th Annual Power Paige Hyatt
Ashley Kozich
Lunch on Thursday, September 29, 2022, and the 21st Annual Stiles Voula Liroff
Light Up Downtown on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. The 18th Annual Elizabeth Lowsky
Flip Flops on the Docks will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2023. Learn Maria Meyer
Marisa Olive
more about all of our exciting upcoming events including our monthly Angie Parker
happy hours at Liz Perlman
Nancy Peterson
On behalf of the entire Friends Board, I want to convey appreciation for Kayla Russell
your support. We hope to see you at one of our events soon! Barbara Ryan
Suzanne Sabadash
Sincerely, Jordana Saidman
Randi Schwartz
Jane Smith
Nancy Swift
Marie Hansen, Friends Board President Sue Wagner