Page 11 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 11
Capital Campaign Gifts
$1,000,000 & Above $25,000 - $49,999 $1,000 - $9,999 continued...
The City of Fort Lauderdale The Arnold Family Keith Costello
The Steven J. Halmos Family Joseph Calabro Howard Erbstein
Foundation, Inc. Castle Park Investments Robert Fallon
$500,000 - $999,999 Nancy and Paul Daly Denise Foreman
The A. D. Henderson Foundation, Inc. Patty and Bill Hawk Charles F. & Esther M. Frye Foundation
Collette and Gene Herman Family Ken Fisher, Heal the Planet
$250,000 - $499,999 Anne and Jim Hilmer Kathryn and Gary Glenewinkel
City Furniture, Inc. Patricia R. Kearns Yasmeira and Julious Grant
Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Kiwanis Club of Fort Lauderdale Marie and Leo Hansen
Hudson Family Foundation Charitable Fund of the Barbara and Robert Henninger
Huizenga Family Foundation Community Foundation of Broward Dana and Thomas Herman
The Lozick Family Foundation Barbara and Michael Landry Susan Hofer
The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Patricia and Gary McKay Sheila and Tibor Hollo
Foundation, Inc. The Thomas McManus Family Patricia Hommes
Truist Patti and Scott Parker Alice Lucia and Mike Jackson
$100,000 - $249,999 Ann Payne J. Preston Jones
Edmund N. Ansin† Ann Powell†
AutoNation The Ramge Family Anne Joyner
Rita and Rick† Case Michelle and Ed Ristaino Family Susie and George Knapp III
The Czubay Family Martha & Scott Smith Alan Levy Educational
The Damoorgian Family Susan Stanley Opportunity Fund of the
Andrew M. Heller Family Dulce and Todd Stephens Community Foundation of Broward
Foundation, Andrew and $10,000- $24,999 Marta and Jeff Liroff
Tanya Lynn Heller Liz and Daniel Caldwell Adrienne and Scott MacLaren
The David and Francie Horvitz Egan Family Fund of the Lonnie and Dan Maier
Family Foundation, Inc. Community Foundation of Broward
Resolve Marine Group Claire Fair Monica and Michael Maroone
The Roessel Family The Moss Foundation, Inc. Sigrid and Dan McCawley
Shane McGee Foundation. Inc. Dev Motwani Jo Ann and Donald Medalie
Festus & Helen Stacy Foundation, Inc. Mark Peterson Anne and Tony Meoli
Stiles Corporation PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Maria & Kyle Meyer
The Thomas Family Foundation Christina and Ryan Shea Sandra and Peter Nori
Wadsworth Family Foundation Leslie and Thomas Tworoger Andrea and Michael Perrillo
Vanessa Walker & Andrew LaBarbera Kate and Charles Voltz Post & Wickham Corporation
$50,000 - $99,999 $1,000 - $9,999 Ram Realty Services
Amaturo Family Foundation The Abbate Family
Ray and Courtney Berry Advantage PA Public Adjusters Toni Reed-Lofton
Family Foundation Judy and Jim Ambrose Valerie† and Albert Rode
Broward Health Ansin Foundation/ WSVN-TV Kayla and Michael Russell
Susan and Russell Cameron Bank of America Carline Sainvil
Florida Department of Agriculture Heather and Jerry Siskind
and Consumer Services Bonnie Barnett and Robert Kagan Charles Stanley
Hooper Construction, Inc. Sally and Brian Beach Melissa St. John
Kazma Family Foundation The Bochak Family Children's Fund of Mary and Mike Stanley
In Loving Memory of Ellen R. Larson, the Community Foundation of Broward
Ed.D, Captain David E. Cohen Mary and George Boué Sterling Organization
- Carole J. Larson Sandra Brown Jennifer and Casey Swercheck
The Maroone Family Ellen and Bill Butler Nancy and James Swift
José Milton Foundation Kathleen and John Capobianco Mary Thomas
Netuno USA, Inc. Toni and William Thomson
Tim Petrillo Barbara Castell Linda and Doug Von Allmen
The Rodriguez Family Centennial Bank Chelsea Wagner and Joshua Drazin
Susan and Karl Wagner Connie Chaney and Albert Rothstein Patricia and Jerry Willenborg
Denise and Peter Wittich Adele Coble and Tim Elfrink