Page 13 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 13

Foundation Spotlight

           Creating  opportunities,  building  brighter  futures,  and  strengthening  our
           community through strategic philanthropy
           This  year,  Jack  &  Jill  Center  is  honored  to  spotlight  The  Frederick  A.
           DeLuca  Foundation  for  their  significant  contributions  to  our  Capital
           Campaign and Family Program. The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation is a
           private family foundation supporting charitable programs that empower
           individuals  to  lead  healthy  and  productive  lives  through  education,
           awareness, and research initiatives.

           The Foundation was created in 1997 by the late Fred DeLuca, co-founder
           of  the  global  Subway®  restaurant  chain.  Mr.  DeLuca  was  passionate
           about providing individuals an opportunity to improve their lives through
           hard  work  and  dedication,  and,  in  turn,  to  benefit  their  family  and
           Since its inception, the Foundation has focused on providing educational
           scholarship opportunities and grants to community-based organizations in
           the  state  of  Connecticut.  Today,  the  Foundation  also  supports  health
           awareness,  workforce  development,  and  artistic  experiences  through
           educational  programs  that  enhance  the  lives  of  children  and  families
           throughout South Florida and beyond.

           We wish to express our deepest gratitude to The Frederick A. DeLuca
           Foundation  for  their  generous  support  of  our  children,  families,  and

         Leaving a Legacy Brick By Brick

         Help pave the way to a brighter future for our children and families with your purchase of a personally engraved
         commemorative brick to be set permanently at the entranceway of the Halmos Family Building which houses our
         Early  Education  Program.  To  purchase,  please  contact  Development  Manager,  Patti  Hommes  at or (954) 463-8772, ext. 246, or visit

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