Page 20 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 20
igation and Identification Lights A vessel over 50 m must show
Power Vessel — less than 50 m an aft masthead light. Smaller
vessels may also show the aft
masthead light.

Starboard Side Port Side Ahead Astern

Power Vessel — less than 12 m The masthead, stern and anchor light
are one combined 360 degree light. It
must be mounted at least a metre above
the side lights.

Starboard Side Port Side Ahead Astern

Trawler — less than 50 m Fishing Vessel Vessel Towing Pilot Vessel Diving Constrained
Operations by Draught
(other than a Trawler) Length of tow less
than 200 m. Towed
vessel shows only
side and stern lights.

Ahead Astern Ahead Astern Ahead Astern Ahead Astern All-round Lights Plus the usual
running lights
All-round Lights

How to Go Boating and Where
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