Page 22 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 22
Know how much water is needed to launch your boat safely. How • Move clear of other ramp users by shifting the boat as far along the
far you need to submerge the trailer will depend on the pitch of the walkway as possible. If it is a beach launch, push the boat away from
ramp, the style of trailer and size of boat. In general terms, deeper the main launching area.
with a keel roller trailer, less so with a multi-roller model. Regardless
of what anyone says, you may very well need to insert it deeper than • Take care to avoid other boat operators as you leave the ramp.
the wheel hubs. Accept the fact that it is part of the process and so is Keep your speed to walking pace. Watch for returning boats and obey
trailer maintenance. And, anyway, that’s why both hub protectors and the collision regulations.
Salt-Away were invented!
There are processes for when you return as well:
• Ensure you have applied the hand brake and the car is in park
before you exit. • Approach the ramp slowly. Watch for other vessels (and swimmers
and surfers in some places) and, again, obey the collision regulations.
• On a ramp with a good incline I usually unwind the winch cable
with the handle. This helps keep good control of the boat as it leaves • Tilt the motor when approaching a beach (or ramp without a
the trailer. Alternatively, let the boat go and have someone securing walkway or finger), but keep the propeller in the water.
the rope attached to the front. Keep clear of other ramp users. On a
ramp with a walkway get the trailer as close as possible to it and your • Make sure your passengers don’t move suddenly as the weight
passenger won’t even get their feet wet. If the ramp is one where distribution can cause the boat to change its track.
driving on and off the trailer is the norm, warm the motor and get clear
of the ramp as soon as possible. • Note the wind direction and speed as you will need to allow for it
when approaching. Often it can be best to allow the boat to drift back
• Park the vehicle and trailer securely. Don’t leave anything visible in against the finger.
the vehicle. Put a security lock on the trailer.
BELOW: The key to safe and successful launching is preparation. Drive
• Run the winch cable out and hook it over the frame so it’s ready to accurately down the ramp, have the rope ready, release the safety chain
go on your return. only when on the ramp, then unwind the rope carefully.

138 How to Go Boating and Where
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