Page 24 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 24
• A similar thing happens when you approach a wharf or pier.

Ideally, do so into the wind. Approach at an angle — let’s suggest

Safety! 30 degrees as a starting point. Control your speed by engaging

Keep in mind when going in reverse that you are pushing and disengaging the power. Before the pier, turn the wheel to start
a big flat surface that can push water over the transom.
Be very careful when reversing the boat that you watch bringing the boat parallel with the dock. Apply a touch of power. Put
out for water coming aboard and anything or anyone
behind you. the motor in reverse briefly

and turn the wheel in the

Briefly apply power opposite direction. Turn the
forward and the wheel back again and the
boat should finish

up parallel with and boat should stop just off the
beside the dock. dock and parallel to it.

turns within a narrow width. With an Quickly turn the   •  If wind is an issue, use
outboard the boat will tend to follow the wheel to starboard  ropes to control the boat.
outboard when in reverse. If the boat is and simultaneously  You can approach a pole
an inboard with rudder, then keep the kick the motor bow first, get a rope around
rudder straight in (2) to allow the prop astern. This will it, then use both wind and
to ‘walk’ the back of the boat across. straighten the boat motor to swing you back
and slow it. towards the dock.

Allow for the effect of •  The same applies to
wind and any tidal flow leaving a dock in the wind.
on the boat. Run a rope around a pole
with both ends free and
Begin to turn the wheel to secured to the bollard at the
port to bring the boat on bow. Turn the motor away
to the correct angle. from the dock, then kick it
in reverse. The boat should
Approach at an angle swing out into open water but
applying and removing still be secured to the pole.
power to keep the speed Once clear, let one leg of the
down but to maintain rope go. It should pull freely
control. around the pole and back to
the boat and you are then
clear to move away.

142 How to Go Boating and Where
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