Page 29 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 29
nd turn and two half hitches — you probably already know this the hitches are easily undone. You can even take an extra turn around

one if not its name. Once you wrap a rope around a pole with one full the pole if you want to. The cool thing about this knot is that you can

turn, you basically have it secured as long as you hang on to the end complete it even when the rope is loaded.

of the rope. To secure it fully, take two
hitches on the rope. The more the
The Round Turn and Two Half Hitchesload is applied, the firmer the hold yet

1: Wrap the rope around the pole. 2: Complete wrap to make a full round turn. At 3: Make the first hitch back towards the pole.
 this point you can hold the load.

Securing a boat to a pole or pile —
don’t place a loop over a pole or tie
to it, rather take the line around the
pole with both ends secured to the
boat. Then, when it comes time to let
go, all you have to do is release the
rope and pull one free end. That way
no one needs to be off the boat and
you don’t require assistance from the

4: Create a second hitch forward of the first. 5: Tighten the knot firmly by pulling the free Anchoring the Boat 171
 end and bedding down the hitches. All done!
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