Page 28 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 28
clove hitch — a fast and easy way to secure or tie off. Ideal for 4 The Clove Hitch
hanging fenders or ropes. Can loosen and slip, particularly when
subject to sporadic load. It can be improved upon by taking an extra
turn around the rail first (then called a rolling hitch), or you can put
another hitch into the knot to help lock it. However you do it, don’t
leave the tail too short.

1: Set the height of the fender then take a 2: Tag the tag end across to the opposite 3: Feed the tag end back through the loop
wrap around the rail or post. side. you created by swapping sides.

4: You can see it here clearly. Use a long 5: Tighten the knot firmly by pulling at both 6: Complete. It’s ideal for hanging fenders or
tag end as the knot can slip. ends. spare lines ready for action.

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