Page 31 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 31
There is one very important speed that you have to be aware of. It • If towing a person on water-skis or similar, there is a requirement
is 5 knots and it applies: to have an observer present at all times. That person must be at least
10 years of age. Skiing must take place between sunrise and sunset.
a) within 50 metres of any other vessel
• Enforcement can be handled by both the harbourmaster and/or
b) within 50 metres of someone in the water honorary enforcement officers appointed to the job. The latter can
stop you to ask for your name and address, while the harbourmaster
c) within 200 metres of the shore or any structure has wider powers. Other officers are safe boating advisers, although
they have no enforcement powers.
d) within 200 metres of the dive flag.
• Ski lanes are provided to allow boats to approach shore closer
Additionally, it is illegal to exceed 5 knots when bow riding, which is than 200 m while exceeding 5 knots. Approach from the starboard
travelling with any part of the body hanging over and outside the front
or sides of the boat.

Even if you do have rights ... We Need Consistency

Be aware that even if you have the right of way, there Because this is my book, I get to say what I really
is a responsibility to act as if you don’t when a situation think! It is unfortunate that some local authorities have
develops. If a crossing boat doesn’t yield, then you need seen fit to create or plan their own bylaws around the
to. wearing of PFDs. It is unfortunate because a) it muddies
the waters with respect to consistency throughout the
Also be aware that in a maritime investigation they country, and b) it is ridiculous that anyone has to be
look at things differently. Rather than find fault they will compelled to wear a lifejacket (or to wear a seatbelt,
apportion blame, taking the position that both parties for that matter). At some point individuals need to take
have contributed to an incident. This is why you need to personal responsibility, or do they want to be regulated in
know the rules and know how to handle a situation when every part of their life? In my opinion, if someone is too
someone else isn’t obeying the rules. stupid to wear a lifejacket in a situation where the risk is
heightened, and then drowns, they have increased the
average IQ of this country. I would feel sympathy for their
family, but none for their stupidity.

13 Regulations and the Environment 187
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