Page 26 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
P. 26
ged to Break Out ... Kewene — A New Zealand
design that is one of my
Many anchors have the ability to rig a breakaway system. personal favourites because
of its flexibility. It folds flat
Basically, this means that the chain is attached to the like a Danforth but doesn’t
front of the anchor and then the chain is tied to the usual hold quite as well on sand
fixing position with light cord or cable ties. The idea is and mud. It has an open
that if the anchor fouls, you can drive the boat forward, shank with a big ring that
break the tie and then pull the anchor out from the front. slides forward to help
release the anchor off rocky
It can work well but it is critical to make sure that the bottoms, but doesn’t have
pull remains along the line of the anchor shank and that the bendable prongs of a
the ties are not taking the load otherwise the anchor will grapnel. However, it is a
continually break free and not hold. Many new-generation good compromise and that is
anchors have a slot along the shank (circled) to allow the the reason I use one on my
shackle to slide forward so the anchor can be pulled out Sea Nymph. The sizes are
forward. described as 1, 1A, 1B, 2,
2A, etc. There is nothing to
 Shackle indicate comparative size.
chain to
anchor here Folding Anchor — A grapnel-type anchor that folds up and locks
closed. Has a front attachment point cast into the design so it can be
rigged to break out. Great for kayaks and inflatables as there are no
points to cause problems. Sized by weight in kilograms.

Tie cord or 
cable tie

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