Page 30 - How to Go Boating Flip 1
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rtaking If you approach the stand-on vessel 3) Overtaking — If you are approaching a vessel from behind,
at any angle within the orange quadrant, anywhere from 22.5 degrees behind its beam or more, you are
you are overtaking and become the overtaking. You must keep clear of a vessel you are overtaking, even
Stand-on Vessel give-way vessel if you are in a yacht. The 22.5 degree angle is easy to see at night
as it is the point at which the sidelights disappear and the sternlight
Give-way Vessel 3 becomes visible.
The give-way vessel must keep clear and pass safely
4) Yachts — If two yachts are approaching and have the wind on
 different sides, then the boat with the wind on its port side is the give-
 way vessel. If the two yachts have the wind on the same side, then the
 boat to windward is the give-way vessel.
Yachts — Wind on Different Sides Navigation Safety Rules and Bylaws

Give-way Vessel Stand-on Vessel The following are the key points found in Part 91 of Maritime New
Zealand regulations. But there is one more thing you need to know:
The yacht with wind on the port side gives way 4a local authorities can make their own rules, within some limitations.
Yachts — Wind on Same Side Most are practical and are based around the sharing of spaces for
 particular uses, variations in maximum or minimum speeds, and local
 control, such as registering personal watercraft (jetskis). Those local
 bylaws can be easily found online. Familiarise yourself with them
 before you travel to a new area.

These are the common rules from Part 91 which are applicable

• You must be at least 15 years old to drive a boat capable of more
than 10 knots, unless under direct supervision.

Give-way Vessel • Personal flotation devices (PFDs) must be carried for each person,
they must fit correctly and they must be readily available.

Stand-on Vessel LEFT: It’s important to remember that the rules for yachts apply to yachts

The yacht to windward gives way 4b under sail only. If the motor is running, it must act in exactly the same way as
any powerboat and comply with the same rules.

186 How to Go Boating and Where
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