Page 4 - Railways
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RAILWAYS                                                                The excellence of collaboration                                                                 RAILWAYS

          Tamping / Ballasted Track / Slab Track                                                                              The initial georeferenced scanning of the profiles is considered
                                                                                                                              as the reference section line for comparison with the scans that
                                                                                                                              eventually will follow.
          Using the Amberg FX System we can provide Correction data
          for tamping machine for the purposes of Construction, Renewal
          or Maintenance of line                                                                                              From this data the absolute movement of the tunnel can be
          By displaying all track parameter in real time as well as the                                                       evaluated, as well as the relative convergences in each section.
          deviations to design we get full control during the work.

                                                                                                     GRP System FX            Besides knowledge of track geometry, complete knowledge of                              Clearance Sections
                                                                                                                              the utilizable clearance in the rail network is absolutely essential
          •    Highest productivity & reliability, approx. 1000 - 2500 m/h                                                    for reasons of safety and economy.
          •    Guaranteed mm accuracy                                                                                         Working with kinematic or stop & go mode, mobile scanning
          •    Quick and precise determination of track correction data                                                       data can be collected for rail tracks environment, regardless in
          •    Just-in-time results                                                                                           tunnel or not.
          •    Track geometry assessments
          •    Direct export of correction data to tamping machines                                                           Using the predefined clearance envelope, the system can give to
          •    During track laying, track adjustment and concreting                                                           the operator on-the-fly information about the obstacles violating
          •    Set out & check & documentation                                                                                the train’s free profile. The scanning data can be also stored for
          •    Survey productivity to track works rate                                                                        further analysis and documentation.
          •    Compliance reporting
                                                                                             Athens metro slab track          Numerical data concerning the allocated obstacles can be                         Clearance projection map
                                                                                                                              presented in 2-D profiles and “iso-violation” curves in 2-D map
          Profiles                                                                                                            projection of the tunnel surface. This gives at a glance the
                                                                                                                              location and the size of the problem.
          Since the reference axis is accurately determined, a laser
          scanner is being added on the trolley,that can measure                                                              Applying this methodology we benefit:
          either in Stop & go or Kinematic mode. The laser scanner’s
          measurements, combined with the measured rail track can give
          a very dense georeferenced and accurate point cloud.                                                                •    Speed – minimum time presence in track
                                                                                                                              •    Safety – minimum personnel presence in track
                                                                                                                              •    Full profile measuring
          From that point cloud we can get:  section profiles for
          monitoring deformations in tunnel, envelope clearance and                                                           •    Real Time allocation of obstacles
          allocation of obstacles, and, finally, full tunnel high definition                                                  •    Fully automated recordings
          imaging for tunnel  inspection.                                                             Tamping data            •    Easy to use documents                                                     Tempi rails clearance control
                                                                                                                              •    Real Time gauging results
          Along the tunnel walls we preinstall control targets with
          accurately determined coordinates, within less than 50m
          between 2 sequel targets.

          Also along the tunnel we can use marked points on specific
          chainages to indicate where a profile should be measured.
          Using stop & go mode, we scan the predefined profiles, in order
          to collect redundant data for statistical analysis of the point
          cloud, as the laser scanner itself gives noise data at the edge of
          deformation monitoring standards for tunnels.
                                                                                                     Ikonio railways                                                                                                Clearance on the fly

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